Groningen loses play-off ticket for the big league on exciting final day. “But I’m incredibly proud of the girls”

The hockey players of Groningen have not succeeded in grabbing a play-off ticket for promotion to the main class. Due to the 0-0 visit to competitor Huizen, the Groningen team dropped to fourth place on the final day; the lowest score of this season.

Groningen had a remarkable season. After six victories in the first six matches, coach Julian Steen’s team took the lead in the promotion class with eighteen points. After that, the results became more volatile and the Groningen team needed the remaining sixteen matches to reach the same number of points as in the first six matches. It turned out to be a point short of a play-off place.

,,After that good opening series, we also knew that we lived a bit above our means”, said Steen. “We wanted to be at the top this season. We gave that ambition extra strength when we were in such a good position at the winter break. We knew then that there were real opportunities this season. We wanted to fight for the play-off tickets until the end. We succeeded, but it is very disappointing that we are now empty-handed.”

Difficult task

Groningen had to leave the title in the promotion class to the Orange-Rood and on Sunday on the final day of the competition fought with Huizen, HIC and Push for two play-off places for promotion to the main class, the highest level in the Netherlands.

Groningen had a difficult task, because on Sunday afternoon the number three in the ranking had to visit Huizen, the number two. ,,We did what we had been training for all week: attack and look for victory”, said Steen. ,,Except for the first ten minutes, we were more dominant and better, but our shortcomings of this season also surfaced: converting the good game into moments in the circle where we can take chances or penalty corners.”

Groningen gathered three penalty corners against Huizen, but specialist Liz Klompmaker was not within the lines for two of them. In the final phase, Steen exchanged his goalkeeper for a field player. At that time, the coach was aware of the rankings of the competitors and knew that his team had to win. It did not result in great opportunities. Huizen, without a Groningen closing post within the lines, got three penalty corners, but did not score.

The draw turned out to be enough for Huizen for a play-off ticket and with a 6-2 win over Were Di, HIC passed Groningen in the rankings and that team grabbed the second ticket for the season’s dessert.
,,After the game, many players felt disappointment and sadness and other wonderful emotions that are part of the sport”, said Steen, who will also coach Groningen next season. “A draw at Huizen is any other day of the week an excellent result. This time it sucks. In any case, I am incredibly proud of what the girls have shown this season.”

Gentlemen play it safe

The men of Groningen played safely on the final day of the competition for a new season in the transition class. The Groningen team won 6-0 at last HIC. The GCHC students rounded off their wonderful season in the transition class with a 4-1 win over Upward and finished third.
