Groningen in siesta mode: various services and companies close their doors | NOW

The temperature is rising even faster than Monday and although it is getting even warmer in the south of the country, the mercury is also touching 36 degrees here. And that is not only noticeable in the temperatures, but also in companies that massively stop work on Tuesday afternoon.

The Kaaskop is closed in the afternoon in Groningen and Haren today due to the extreme heat. “When all cheeses melt, we will also stop for a while”, owner Cor Dijkstra writes on Facebook.

Albert Heijn says it will not deliver groceries on Tuesday afternoon. The supermarket chain finds it irresponsible to send delivery people on their way in these weather conditions. Customers have been notified by email. They can choose a new moment online to have their groceries delivered.

Other delivery services are also taking measures. For example, PostNL employees are also allowed to deliver packages after 6 p.m., when it is less hot. At Thuisbezorgd, employees are allowed to take more breaks.

The test and vaccination locations of GGD Groningen will also be closed this afternoon from 12 noon. People with an appointment can reschedule the appointment.

The bridges in the municipality of Groningen will no longer open from 1 pm due to the heat. The municipality is afraid that the bridges can no longer be opened or closed otherwise. The plan is to reopen the bridges on Wednesday morning at 9.30am.
