GroenLinks to Council of State for a ban on night flights at Schiphol

The Council of State will examine whether it is possible to ban all night flights at Schiphol. That is what the parliamentary group of GroenLinks informs NH Nieuws. The party is fed up with the nuisance and health damage for local residents and wants to have the ban laid down in law.

It has been agreed with Schiphol that night flights will decrease step by step, from 32,000 to 25,000 per year. According to a Schiphol spokesperson, this does depend on the opening of Lelystad Airport, the developments of the airport and the replacement of flights by trains.

The opening of Lelystad Airport is by no means certain. Yesterday it was announced that the owner of Schiphol has completed the nitrogen calculations not in order and can whistle for the necessary nature permit.

night regime

Schiphol is investigating new measures that will ensure that the nuisance caused by night flights is limited. A ‘night regime’ already applies at Schiphol between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m., with different flight routes and less engine power.

At Schiphol, that night regime could be extended from 10.30 pm to 6.30 am, but that is not good enough for GroenLinks. The party will only settle for a complete ban on all night flights.

Member of Parliament Suzanne Kröger of GroenLinks informed Infrastructure Minister Harbers two weeks ago in a parliamentary debate that he was preparing the law (article continues below the video).

Kröger submitted her private member’s bill to the Council of State today: “Night flights cause a lot of nuisance. People deserve a healthy night’s sleep, which is why I am submitting our law today. Schiphol places too great a burden on its environment. Without night flights, 22,000 houses could be built. As far as GroenLinks is concerned, homes take precedence over airplanes.”


If it comes to a ban, it will have major consequences for airlines such as Transavia. A relatively large number of holiday flights depart at night. By using them at night, these devices can be used more often during the day. Cargo flights may also be affected by the ban.

In the municipality of Haarlemmermeer, of which Schiphol is a part, Suzanne Kröger’s night flight ban is welcomed by several parties. The local VVD, unlike the party in the House of Representatives, also wants to get rid of it.

“We have been arguing for a night closure for years,” says VVD alderman Jurgen Nobel van Haarlemmermeer. “It would be good news for residents across the region if there are no more night flights. Disruption of sleep is bad for your health. So many residents will be happy about this.”

Transfer to Lelystad Airport

“I have said before that relocation to Lelystad would be a good solution. Although the opening of that airport threatens to be delayed again, that option is still on the table. The sector itself must also indicate how they can solve this. network with destinations should of course not suffer,” said Nobel.

The Council of State is examining the law to see whether it is feasible. After that, it will have to be voted on in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.
