Groen wants to halve the price for bus tickets | Inland

“Public transport in Flanders is substandard”, says Flemish MP Stijn Bex (Groen). “Because energy prices are also soaring high, we are arguing for a halving of bus ticket prices.” The fact that Flemish Minister of Mobility Lydia Peeters (Open Vld) announced a new increase in rates is unacceptable to Bex. “Public transport is the best alternative to the traffic jams and the expensive prices at the pump,” it sounds. “Nevertheless, prices will increase by an average of 2% next month, while they also increased in 2021 and 2020. In the meantime, the passenger numbers are still half lower than before corona.”

Groen would like to maintain the halving of prices until 1 July 2023. That is the target date by which Peeters wants to launch the ‘basic accessibility’ project – the major reform of public transport – in Flanders. In the meantime, the name of that project has also been changed to ‘mobility switch’, including newsletter and website. That happened unbeknownst to Peeters, who said in the Flemish Parliament that she was surprised by this. The minister is also not enthusiastic about Groen’s proposal. “In terms of prices, we are among the lowest in Europe”, her cabinet rejects a reduction. “By not touching the rates of the various social subscriptions, we also protect those who need it.”
