Groen comes up with a calculated plan for childcare | Domestic

The maximum number of children per supervisor in Flanders is currently nine. In the long term, this should drop to five, according to Senator Celia Groothedde and co-chair Jeremie Vaneeckhout of Groen. Initially, the party wants to allocate 110 million euros for an open call to compensate daycare centers that voluntarily reduce the number of children.

In addition, the party would reserve 70.5 million euros to allow all daycare centers that want to switch from subsidy level 1 to subsidy level 2. In the spring, the government made resources available for this, but these were not sufficient to meet all requests.

According to Groen, childcare workers should be given more time to set out pedagogical guidelines. To free up that time, the party wants to introduce logistics support staff, who, for example, cook and clean. This measure costs 75 million euros.

Finally, Groen also wants to have all childminders who request it switch to an employee status and index the operating resources retroactively.
