Grim doping figures in Finnish sports – One sport dominates the sad list

The list of sinners of Finnish athletes recently got a new name. It was again about a fitness athlete.

The problems of fitness sports continue. Illustration image. PDO

This week Suomen Fitnessurheilhu ry. and Suek said that the fitness athlete Said Naeim Hosseini has been banned until the summer of 2026. Hosseini had given a positive sample in the doping test.

The sample contained two different anabolic-androgenic steroids and two different modulators affecting hormones and metabolism. Hosseini admitted to a doping violation.

This is not a rare case in Finnish fitness sports. In recent years, news about the sport has been trickling in at a rapid pace, which has brought significant financial damage to the sports association in addition to reputational damage.

Prepared by Suek (Ethical Center for Finnish Sports) by athletes on the banned list there are 17 Finnish athletes. Fitness dominates the gloomy list with 11 representatives.

Although there are a lot of fitness enthusiasts in Finland, the slacking off of a small part has cost the sports association a lot. In February, the Ministry of Education and Culture (OKM) had seen enough problems and decided to completely exclude the fitness association from subsidies.

During the years 2020–2022, nine doping violations were found in fitness sports competition. Suek had influenced OKM’s decision.

– Suek has approached the ministry based on Article 12 of the national anti-doping regulations. On the basis of section 12.3 of the article, the funding granted to the organization or organization in question can be withheld in whole or in part, OKM justified its decision last winter.

“There is no sport”

Not all fitness athletes trust pure means. PDO

The association applied to the state for a general grant of 35,000 euros for organizations promoting physical activity.

Chairman of the Association Kari-Pekka “KP” Ourama commented to Iltalehte in the winter that he was waiting for the ministry’s negative decision. He thought about how the fitness sport practiced by many people looks on the outside, when the association was kicked out from among those assisted.

– It also has a certain kind of symbolic aspect. That’s a big deal too. Now then “there is no sport” and all that. That’s a bad thing. It affects hundreds of athletes. A few have messed up, but this now affects hundreds or thousands who are training with a competitive mindset. It’s the worst thing of all, Ourama said in February.

For the year 2022, the association received a grant of 16,000 euros.

Doping violations these days are expensive for those who have broken up. Suomen Fitnessurheilhu ry says it will fine Hossein 5,000 euros as a disciplinary measure. The fine must be paid within 90 days.

Suek’s banned list includes one soccer player, judoka, power lifter, boxer, skier and American football player. The name is a skier Ari Luusua, which used anabolic substances and modulators affecting the metabolism. He was banned until September 2025.

The skier who ended his career received a 100,000 euro fine from the Ski Classic series in addition to the ban.
