Greens want to buy hotels for refugees, but why only for them?

By Gunnar Schupelius

The housing shortage in this city not only affects asylum seekers, but also many other people. The Greens have apparently forgotten that, says Gunnar Schupelius.

The Greens want to use tax money to buy hotel buildings to accommodate asylum seekers. To this end, the former senator and current parliamentary group leader Bettina Jarasch wrote a “joint declaration” with three green district mayors.

There it says: “Among other things, we propose not just renting hostels and hotels, but buying them and converting them into permanent accommodation.”

In addition to Ms. Jarasch, the mayors Jörn Oltmann (Tempelhof-Schöneberg), Stefanie Remlinger (centre) and Clara Herrmann (Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg) signed. The four top green politicians write that there is a lack of space in the city center to create new living space for asylum seekers.

They also propose that “refugee families should increasingly be accommodated in inner-city housing stocks of the housing cooperatives”.

Of course, the Greens’ demand immediately raises several questions.

First: Which cooperative apartments do you mean? There aren’t any free!

Secondly: Why do they only require hotels as accommodation for asylum seekers, but not for the rest of the population? The housing shortage is very great everywhere, word should have gotten around to the Greens as well.

You make a false promise. They call for open borders and beckon more and more migrants into the country. But they cannot accommodate so many people, as the three mayors mentioned in particular know. So they call for buying hotels.

Third the question of how much money should be used to buy and operate the hotels? Ms. Jarasch does not comment on this either. She lives in rapture. In their world, money is raining down from the sky.

As a senator, she received 14,703 euros gross per month. As parliamentary group leader, you are entitled to EUR 7,910 gross per month, plus a tax-free flat rate of EUR 2,779 and EUR 6,930 for employees. Her husband previously received EUR 150,897 gross per year as head of department at RBB, from this year EUR 136,741.

With a family income like that, you don’t think about money anymore. Anyone who belongs to the financial elite demands that hotels be bought without giving a thought to how they are actually supposed to be paid for.

And that is precisely the problem of the Greens when they set themselves up as moralizers and claim that they are the only ones who have a good heart, while everyone else closes their hearts to the misery of the refugees.

That’s not true, the people of this country are helpful, the legislation is generous. Nowhere in Europe are asylum seekers better off than here.

But the end of the road has just been reached, everyone knows that. The Greens know it too, but they deny it. What they say is bigoted and hypocritical and just not honest.

Is Gunnar Schupelius right? Call: 030/2591 73153 or email: [email protected]
