Greens just want a housing association

The Greens want the state-owned housing associations to live together (symbolic photo) Photo: Guenther

By Stefan Peter

Will this really solve the housing shortage in Berlin? The Greens propose merging all six state-owned housing associations in the capital. That would save a lot of money, argues the eco-party.

On Thursday, the topics of rent and housing policy were once again discussed in the House of Representatives. The debate dragged on and many long-known arguments were rehearsed. The Greens at least made a suggestion as to how housing construction could possibly be accelerated: “The state-owned housing companies must finally be put on track,” said Katrin Schmidberger (41), spokeswoman for housing and rents for her group.

She called on Building Senator Christian Gaebler (58, SPD): “Place the six companies together! We don’t need twelve highly paid board members and management, but central control.” This path is being taken in Munich and Hamburg: “Because in this way they pool forces, save money and resources.” Joint project development and joint purchasing are important, “Instead of always reinventing the wheel six times,” says Schmidberger.

The six state-owned housing associations manage 360,000 apartments. For comparison: The municipal housing company Saga in Hamburg has 139,000 apartments in its portfolio.

The salaries of Berlin construction bosses are remarkable. According to the annual report, Gesobau boss Jörg Franzen earned 315,000 euros in 2022, and his chief financial officer earned 292,000 euros. Not only that: former board members or their surviving dependents and former senior employees of Gesobau were paid pensions and benefits totaling 268,000 euros. WBM also pays lavishly: the two managing directors Christina Geib and Steffen Helbig received salaries of 288,000 euros and 245,000 euros respectively last year.

The CDU doesn’t believe in the Greens’ proposal. “That doesn’t help,” said MP Ersin Nas (46).


House of Representatives The Greens Housing Construction Housing Associations
