Greenport director understands concerns about ‘block boxes’ | 1Limburg

The resistance against the dulling of the North Limburg landscape is increasing. After local residents and the Government Architect, more and more political parties are also concerned about the many distribution centers that affect the landscape. According to critics, there is a real need for nature reserves and residential areas.

Director Ruud van Heugten of Greenport Venlo understands the concerns. In the L1 television program L1mburg Centraal, Van Heugten told that Greenport Venlo had held ten to fifteen neighborhood discussions in recent years.

‘Worry understandable’
“The concerns are certainly understandable. And they are not only common among local residents, but also among political parties. Right up to the House of Representatives. In neighborhood discussions, we look at exactly where the concerns lie and what we as Greenport can do to partly address them. We have also learned from this ourselves. We did not do a number of things well in the beginning, for example the light nuisance, especially in the winter months. Also the idea of ​​planting trees as a green buffer to protect the sheds at the obscure views have arisen during those conversations.”

Migrant workers
Greenport Venlo was developed ten years ago to combat the decline in North Limburg and to create more employment and facilities. According to critics, little has come of this and mainly migrant workers work there. Van Heugten: “It is true that many labor migrants are deployed. But that is usually the case in logistics. There is a need for flexibility in that sector. In addition, there is a shortage of workers in the Netherlands. According to Van Heugten, the companies at Greenport Venlo is doing everything it can to properly accommodate the migrants.

Future plans
When asked about future plans for the site, and possible further growth, Ruud van Heugten answers: “The plan as we made it 10 years ago has been properly implemented. I don’t see new plans coming soon. rather seek restructuring of the existing area. No new large areas will be allocated.”
