Green Party leader: Don’t let Germany get into a social crisis

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – Despite new billions in gaps in the federal government’s finances, the leadership of the Green Party thinks little of strict austerity measures. The logic that the belt must now be tightened will not work in the end, said party leader Ricarda Lang on Sunday in the ZDF program “Berlin Direkt”. “Because that way we would avoid an economic and therefore also a social crisis in this country.” Saving on social issues in particular is not a good idea, because the government must also maintain social cohesion. “We know that right-wing parties in particular repeatedly mobilize people’s social concerns and fears.”

The background to the austerity debate is a ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court, according to which loans for Corona aid may not be moved to the climate fund. This will tear a hole of 60 billion euros in the federal government’s financial planning.

When asked about the Greens’ priorities and where savings could be made, Lang said: “We are welcome to talk about climate-damaging subsidies.” The Federal Environment Agency (UBA) pointed out in the middle of the week that environmentally harmful subsidies amounted to at least 65 billion euros in 2018 – no more recent data is available.

Lang emphasized that the projects from the climate fund are not just about “a few green favorite projects”, but about Germany as a business location. There is currently a global race to find a climate-neutral business location that will ensure long-term employment. An example is “green”, i.e. steel produced in a climate-neutral manner. The question is whether this is produced in Germany, or in the USA or other parts of the world./toz/DP/jha
