Green parents, advice on weaning and diapers

Dto pregnancy cosmetics to diapers, from baby monitors to baby food. There are many, many great little ones expenses that one feels forced to face when giving birth to a child. But, in fact, it is a false myth. Or rather, raising a child is expensive but it can cost much less (for your wallet and for the environment) if you make thoughtful choices.

Nutrition and children: the decalogue of healthy habits

Green parents and happy children: advice

That’s what the book helps do Green parents and happy children (Gribaudo) Of Lisa Corti: graduated in Environmental Sciences, a Master in Economics and Environmental Management at Bocconi University, one son, Filippo.

“When I got pregnant I didn’t know what to expect,” she says. “But I was certain of one thing: I wanted the best for my baby.” Yes, like everyone. The difference is that Lisa Corti has applied to the new phase what has always been her life philosophy: «I wanted this best to be natural, sustainable and with low environmental impact. Between products that you cannot not have and others that you cannot live without, “obligatory” choices and techniques, there is a lot to question to really find the infamous “best for your baby”, and I guarantee you that it is not found in the expensive store specializing in baby items; much easier it is already in your home and does not require accessories or products.”

Raising a baby with zero impact and saving money? Yes it can. Lisa Casali’s tips

The book reviews some issues that concern the first phase of life: from pregnancy to breastfeeding, from diapers to weaning. Accompanied by some in-depth boxes on maternal and child issues written byGEPO Association – Pediatric Obstetric Education Grouptry to clarify which needs of babies are real and which are induced, suggesting valid alternatives, with less impact on the environment and often also on the wallet.

The decalogue for green parents

1. Body care. We use as few cosmetics as possible and choose those composed of a few plant-based, organic and minimally processed ingredients such as, for example, almond oil or linseed oil.

2. Prepare the house and bedroom for the baby’s arrival. You can do this by donating or selling what you no longer need. Painting only if necessary, and choosing green options. Furnishing with furniture in untreated natural wood and with carpets, curtains and other fabrics in natural fibers (cotton, linen, hemp). The changing table? Better in the bathroom.

3. Baby shower. Do it at home, inviting guests online, using steel tableware and choosing a sober theme that doesn’t generate mountains of waste.

4. Breastfeeding. Better if maternal at least until the sixth month, waiting for him to show interest in food. If we need to use formula milk, it is better to use powdered milk instead of liquid milk, so as to reduce emissions linked to transport and the waste produced. In large packs and not single portions. Breast pumps, bottle warmers, sterilizers and thermos flasks are objects that are easy to borrow, rent or possibly second-hand.

5. Self-weaning. We keep your child at the table with you as soon as he is able to sit in the high chair or in your arms. And we wait for his requests for food (he can express them by trying to take it with his hands or with a sustained and excited look). And we satisfy any request he makes, as long as it is healthy and suitable food according to our judgment.

As green parents, we dedicate time to shopping, favoring fresh, seasonal, organic, bulk and least processed ingredients as much as possible. We cook with our hands, avoiding ready meals as much as possible (frozen, canned, over the counter). We favor simple and quick cooking such as steam or pan cooking.

6. Baby bath and baby care products. We use as few products as possible and made with a single ingredient or with the shortest possible list of ingredients and from organic farming. We favor loose, solid products or products with glass or paper packaging.

7. Spanking. The solution would be to take a course Elimination Communication, EC: it is a practice that allows you to introduce newborns to potty training right from the start, from the moment they manage to stay and it is also spreading in Italy. (The reference book on the topic in Italy is Without diaperby Laurie Boucke).

Alternatively, we try washable diapers, even used ones (given as gifts or purchased in a diaper shop). Let’s choose them in natural fibers and produced in Italy, and when we no longer need them, donate them or sell them.

If we cannot do without disposable ones, we choose those made of biodegradable and compostable materials. They are better for baby’s skin and have a lower environmental impact than traditional ones made of petroleum-based plastic materials.
Let’s use disposable wet wipes only in case of absolute necessity, never when we are at home, and we favor those with natural formulations and environmental certifications.
We use the change cream and other products only if strictly necessary, for example in case of irritation or redness. Often, to soothe redness, it is enough to let the baby’s skin breathe as much air as possible before putting a new diaper on him.

8. Clothes. We favor second-hand clothing and accessories given or lent. We opt for garments of Italian production, natural fibres, soft colors and single materials without applications, sequins or plastic inserts. Before buying, let’s think about whether we really need it. When an item is no longer needed, let’s donate it to friends or charities or at least sell it in shops or on second-hand platforms.

9. Games. We reduce industrial games as much as possible. We encourage our child to play games and activities with what is around us, such as with everyday objects. As green parents, we make games with our own hands. We take advantage of every opportunity to spend time and play in “wild” environments.

10. Parties. We use washable plates, glasses, cutlery and napkins, or, at most, those in compostable material. And beeswax or vegetable wax candles. Let’s prepare a menu with mostly vegetable, organic, local and seasonal ingredients, decorations with recycled paper, avoiding balloons and festoons made of plastic materials. We provide boxes to give guests leftover food. Better to choose a location that is easy to reach, possibly by public transport and train. We choose games and activities for the little ones with recycled materialssuch as old newspapers, leaves, sticks, pine cones and what the location and the season suggest.

