Green MP Bsirske rejects special assets for the Bundeswehr

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – The Greens member of the Bundestag Frank Bsirske has his no to the 100 billion heavy special fund for the armed forces and the associated amendment to the Basic Law. “My decision is clear, it means no,” said Bsirske on Friday on Deutschlandfunk. He opposes a “budgetary priority rule for armaments projects”. “I think that’s absurd.” He does not share the majority opinion of his party and parliamentary group here.

The former chairman of the Verdi services union fears an imbalance between expenditure on security in general and on social affairs. He doesn’t want to play the two off against each other, but doesn’t see the balance as guaranteed. There is a risk of a situation in which the financing of other important reforms is in question.

The Bundestag wants to decide on the 100 billion package for the equipment of the Bundeswehr this Friday. After the agreement between the traffic light coalition and the Union, a large majority is expected. The so-called special fund is to be equipped with its own credit authorization via a necessary amendment to the Basic Law. A two-thirds majority is required to amend the Basic Law./shy/DP/zb
