Green bonus 2023: the discount for transforming gardens and terraces

bgreen onus also confirmed in 2023. The measure that remains for the new year allows you to obtain the tax deduction of 36% for jobs such as tidying up the garden or creating a green oasis on the terrace.

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Those who therefore intend to carry out one of these interventions, can request the bonus without specific ISEE requirementsensuring the deduction of up to 1,800 euros for real estate units for residential use.

What is the green bonus

The facilitation is an Irpef deduction of 36%, on a maximum of 5,000 euros of expenditure (VAT included) for each real estate unit.

It concerns the expenses made for extraordinary interventions in order to arrange terraces, gardens and in general, green areas of private buildings. The final saving, therefore, is a maximum of 1,800 euros per beneficiary.

It should be noted that the facilitation refers to the property on which the work is carried out. Therefore, the owner can add up the deductions for the expenditure incurred on each property owned by her.

If the house where the interventions foreseen in the green bonus were carried out is sold, the unused portion of the deduction is transferred to the new ownerfor the remaining tax periods unless otherwise agreed by the parties.

Renovate the garden or create a green oasis on the terrace with a discount also in 2023 (Getty)

Who is it up to

They can take advantage of the green bonus:

  • property owners
  • owners of bare ownership
  • usufructuaries
  • people who have the property on loan for use
  • rented tenants
  • public housing
  • condominiums, public or private entities that pay IRES

It is good to specify that the facilitation refers to the property on which the works are carried out. Therefore, whoever owns the property can add up the deductions for the expenditure incurred on each property they own.

In case of sale of the real estate unit where the interventions envisaged in the green bonus have been carried out, the part or all of the unused deduction is transferred to the new owneror to whoever replaces him in the building, for the remaining tax periods unless otherwise agreed by the parties.

Permitted interventions

To obtain the green bonus, the permitted interventions are those of landscaping of the spaces belonging to the houseswhether it be gardens or terraces.

The tax relief also includes the supply and planting of plants or shrubs of any kind and redevelopment of turf, provided that the interventions are of an extraordinary nature.

So to recap:

  • landscaping of private uncovered areas of existing buildings, real estate units, fences or appurtenances, construction of wells and irrigation systems
  • construction of green roofs and hanging gardens
  • maintenance and planning expenses, only if connected to the execution of the two types of interventions previously mentioned
  • construction of planters and greenery of balconies and terraces, provided that they are permanent works and as long as they refer to an innovative intervention for the greening of residential properties
  • design and maintenance related to the execution of the interventions in question

Expenses relating to the following activities are excluded from the deduction:

  • ordinary maintenance of existing gardens which do not involve any modification or innovative work
  • interventions in economy made by the owner or simple purchase of balcony pots

How the green bonus works

The bonus it is not recognized for do-it-yourself interventions but only those made by specialized personnel.

But how does it work? In practice, whoever carries out the work advances the money for the Intervention, so part of it will be later “returned” with an annual “discount”, the deduction on Irpef to be paid.

The tax relief is applied in the tax return e it is to be divided into ten annual tranches of the same amount. These will be calculated with a maximum spending limit of 5,000 euros, up to a maximum of 1,800 euros for each residential real estate unit.

In fact, the benefit it is not foreseen for real estate such as offices and shops which are excluded from this concession.

Only traceable payments

The bonus is recognized on a maximum expenditure of 5,000 euros. The 36% deduction allows you to have a annual savings on personal income tax of up to 180 euros a year for ten years.

To obtain the tax discount, payments must be made clearly with traceable instruments, even if payment by bank transfer dedicated to deductions is not required.

