Green architecture: a few simple rules for a healthy home

C.what color to choose for the walls of your bedroom? “It depends”, an expert in bio-architecture would answer. It depends on the orientation of the structure, the characteristics of the person and much more. In his latest book “A bioarchitect for a friend”. Make your home beautiful and healthy and make it the smartest and happiest place for you and your family with the IGBI method “(Bruno Editore), Isabella Goldmann reveals what you need to know to make your home a place of well-being and serenity.

«The home is a frenetic industry but the issue of well-being is very relegated – comments Goldmann. Living intelligently it means recovering the knowledge that we have as Italians, but which we have lost in the last 80 years ».

A few simple details to improve the home

The pandemic and the lockdown have put the emphasis onimportance of the home environment and more and more people have begun to understand what was missing in their home: “The things they have found can be done – continues the bioarchitect -: orient the rooms correctly, purify the air with simple ventilation, change colors and materials to stay physically better, to use natural fabrics without chemical components “.

Bioarchitecture: how it works

In fact, bio-architecture considers the chemical, physical and electromagnetic aggressions. He then focuses on the ergonomic part (too dark, too narrow, too high, etc.) to try to limit the load of psychological pressure. “The quality of the air we have in the house is among the reasons for chronic and lethal diseases that can be contracted indoors. Bioclimatic architecture exercises a very strong attention in limiting the presence of toxic agents that lurk in building materials (walls, paints, glues, resins, finishes, etc.) and also in furniture as in the final treatments of woods and fabrics. In the wrong house we become weak – He says -. My book talks about a method made up of a few simple steps to create a welcoming and suitable home ».

The fundamental rules of bio-architecture

Here are some of them:

  1. The first tip is ventilate the house as much as possible, in a natural way, using the air exchange of the windows. If possible, always put tall plants in front of the windows that are on the cooler side of the house, because the air will enter from there, passing between the plants will oxygenate. Another simple rule: never hang clothes at home. Molds are among the main causes of chronic respiratory diseases.
  2. Do yourself a list of questions, including which cardinal point does the bedroom look towards? “Whether it’s east or west, it changes a lot because we were built with chronobioengineering – explains the expert -: based on the height of the sun during the day we produce different hormones “.bioarchitecture
  3. No to white: “The white house is very wrong because it can cause damage, there are colors that are good to see or colors that are not good when you wake up. The color temperature of the sun is charged with blue when it rises so that the wakefulness hormone cortisol can be activated. The best choice in the room are colors that compensate depending on the orientation. If you have a room facing east, it is good to put warm colors in it, but it also depends on where the house is located: if it is in Norway there will be different “rules” compared to the same house in Sicily “.
  4. We abandon the “I like that color” and adopt the logic “which is the right color for my family’s phototype”. Never go by instinct, get informed, do not do the “Do it yourself”.

