Great tactical opmars? “Oekraïense Tropen steken Dnieper over, heroveren Dorpen en graven zich in” | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland

Eenheden van de Oekraïense marine zijn weekday the rivier de Dnieper overgestoken and hebben two dorpen three dead four kilometers inland on the Russians heroverd. This report from ‘Kyiv Post’ and ‘The Telegraph’ based on Russian sources.

Volgens Russian military bloggers started various Oekraïense Amfibian combat teams in the vroege ochtend with the oversteek of the largest waterway of Oekraïne vanuit positions in the building of the city of Pridnistrovske.

He said about the Oekraïne, na het seedvoegen van eenheden aan de overkant, erin geslaagd is om voet aan de grond te krijgen op de door Rusland bezette oever.

Naar lost rukten de Oekraïense mariniers landinwaarts op naar de dorpen Poima en Pishchanivka, was ze wine of geen weerstand ondervonden en zich begun in te graven.

There’s no point in a raid by elite troops, but there’s a great offensive. It was also rumored that it was on local social media in the Oekraïense Tropics in large areas and in two parts of the country. He is a member of the Oekraïense Zijde.

Dead for short were the battles in the Kherson region were completely dead and came to a standstill after the destruction of the Kakhovka-dam and the largest part of the slag veld on the water had arrived.

KIJK. The sea astern has lost the Oekraïense dam and is completely open

Western analysts think that Kiev has opted for the return to the Black Sea and the Russian defense lines that will open the door to the traffic in a new route that will open to the Crimean Republic.

Zelensky vreest the Oekraïne to Israel zal was sent. Terecht? “Zijn charmeoffensief is broodnodig” (+)

Previously advised Zelensky: “Tegenoffensief is catastrophe, Ukraine is now unfortunately not necessary”
