Great Russian money used for heropbouw Oekraïne | Inland

Door Europese sancties will only pay 350 million euros to a Russian activa – waarvan de help in Belgium. Groen wants to finance the middelen now also effectively in terms of the two sides of the Oekraïne.

The money from the Russian Central Bank and the oligarchs were in the hands of the Russian Central Bank, who were still in possession. Canada, de VS, also the European Commissie wants a green stapje. This means that Europe wants to protect itself against criminality and the threat of military action as a reaction to the military aggression of Russia against the United Kingdom.

“We really want a quick delivery of high jacks,” says Wouter De Vriendt (Groen). Hij wants that Europe has an ambitious standpoint. Concreet heeft hij a resolutie clear om te vragen om serious schendingen van human rights en oorlogsmisdaden ook in de Europeanse judgelijn mee te nemen. “Military aggression cannot be punished. “Russia needs to be the winner of the European Union.”
