Great performance! ME went again in the one-handed chin-up

Levente Arany-Toth did a great trick.

Levente Arany-Toth set a new world record. Illustration image. ZumaWire / MVPHOTOS

Hungarian Levente Arany-Toth stunned bodybuilding fans when he broke the world record for the one-arm chin-up. Among other things, the news covered the matter Generation Iron.

Twenty-something Arany-Toth made a total of 25 jaws with one hand in 60 seconds. The young man got into the Guinness Book of Records with his performance. Arany-Toth performed in July, but Guinness only now confirmed that it was the new ME.

The previous record was held by a Chinese Li Zechuan.

– I didn’t get the help of professionals because I wanted to break the record on my own, Arany-Toth says to Guinness.

Arany-Toth trained for six months for her record. According to Generation Iron, he did not lift weights, but used weight belts and weight vests. The Hungarian didn’t train anything but chin-ups for three months.

Arany-Toth tried to break the world record a little over a year ago in October, but failed. He managed to set a new record in April with 22 chin-ups, but Li Zechuan took it back a few months later.

– I was pretty down, but I decided not to give up so easily. I decided to train harder than ever before.

This is how you can make a successful chin-up! IL-TV
