Great Gloom, the phenomenon of workers’ great sadness

Lhe revolution in the world of work is underway and, after the Quiet Quitting, or working exclusively within the times and ways indicated by the contract, now the new (and worrying) phenomenon seems to be the great sadness felt by workers. Since everything is now given a name, he was nicknamed Great Gloom and it seems to be increasingly a trend that puts the focus back on employee well-being.

Gen Z and work, a fluid relationship

Great Gloom, the great sadness of the workers

According to research Employee Happiness Index, since June 2020, employee satisfaction with their work has decreased by -16 percent. If we consider only the last year, this figure dropped by -11 percent, reaching even lower figures than during the pandemic period.

Fortunately, almost all those who lead companies now believes that the well-being of its collaborators and employees is a priority. For 84.9 percent of the 400 company leaders who participated in the Corporate Wellbeing research in Italy, wellbeing is now a crucial issue in corporate life.

After Quiet Quitting, Great Gloom seems to be the new and worrying phenomenon affecting the world of work (Getty)

Companies take action for the well-being of their employees

In the last 12 months, the share of companies that have taken action on this issue has almost doubled, rising to 18.2 percent, but less than a quarter of these have a clear and well-communicated strategy. The old dichotomy between corporate life and personal well-being is therefore now outdated and only companies that manage to implement concrete and wide-ranging policies I am able to deal with the loss of motivation and the lack of alignment of employees with company values, which is the basis of phenomena such as Quiet Quitting and Great Gloom.

Having an internal gym is not enough

Despite this, however, there is still a long way to go to be able to talk about a real structured corporate wellbeing, since many of the solutions implemented with a view to wellbeing are often symptomatic and not oriented towards prevention. In fact, we tend to address the problem only in a reactive way with investments such as gyms and autonomous training spaces in the company or to delegate to the employee the decision on how to use a welfare bonus to be spent independently.

But leaving the management of their well-being totally in the hands of the employee without adequate training on the topic, which should instead be the task of a structured company policy, it can only lead to palliative and difficult to succeed solutions in the long term. For this reason, many companies are looking for collaborations with real wellness professionals.

Complete wellness programs

According to GS Loft, for example, a center specialized in psychophysical well-being and consulted by various companies to respond to the new needs of their employees, complete wellness programs that impact people’s health and well-being are necessary. Health, nutrition, fitness, mindset and lifestyle are the five pillars and therefore, as explained by Giacomo Spazzini, entrepreneur and founder of GS Loft, for example offering the possibility of dedicating time to self-care which helps to improve mood, as well as increasing daily energy levels.

Offer the right reasons

A company gym or a discounted membership can be a start, but they are not enough. In this way, in fact, the act of taking care of himself is delegated to the employee in the midst of his thousand commitments. Much better would be to provide assistance, training and constant motivation to bring employees to understand the benefits of training and to apply it in their routine. Just saying “here’s a gym for you” isn’t enough.

Correct nutrition and stress under control

Another fundamental factor that can be implemented is taking care of nutrition, offering a company canteen and meal vouchers is not enough: Psychophysical well-being also comes through healthy eating. Therefore, proposing personalized food programs based on function and age can be an important turning point for concentration and productivity.

Finally, perhaps the most important element: work on prevention. This means giving your employees time to undergo routine tests and checks, to monitor their health status and, consequently, reduce sick days, minor ailments but also serious problems. Chronic low-grade stress, for example, is today an all-encompassing phenomenon, but still underrated. The checks, also thanks to the support of specialist analyses, may be able to improve sleep and all cognitive performance.

