Great enthusiasm for Startbouwimpuls | News item

News item | 8/30/2023 | 9:00 am

Overwhelming interest in the Startbouwimpuls (SBI): 246 municipalities registered for the construction of 260,000 homes. We help the most promising projects to start, so we can limit the dip in new construction. This is evident from an initial inventory for the Startbouwimpuls (SBI).

The SBI is intended for projects that are planning far enough to start construction in 2024/2025 at the latest, but due to the changed economic circumstances they can no longer calculate the business case and are therefore in danger of being delayed or put on hold.

260,000 homes in the pipeline

An inventory among municipalities, corporations and market parties now shows that there is a great deal of interest in the scheme. 246 municipalities registered a total of 2,195 projects, representing almost 260,000 homes. It shows that there is a lot of potential and willpower to continue building, but also that support and guidance from the government is needed, writes Minister Hugo de Jonge in a letter to the House.

Criteria tightened

Initially, €250 million has been earmarked for the SBI. The bulk list of projects that can start construction in 2024/2025 adds up to a deficit of €3.3 billion. Because the available budget is not enough to provide all applications with the requested contribution, the assessment framework has been further tightened. This should ensure that the scheme remains accessible, but that the most promising projects with as many homes as possible are registered.

2 criteria have been added and a total of eight criteria now apply that projects that want to be eligible for the SBI must meet:
1. Construction will start in 2024/2025 at the latest
2. The homes will be delivered within a maximum of 36 months, unless a good reason can be given that prevents this from happening
3. It concerns permanent housing
4. The share of affordable housing is at least 50%
5. There is legal certainty that construction can start, for example an irrevocable zoning plan, agreements with a contractor or agreements with customers
6. The developer/housing corporation involved endorses the application
7. New: the registration concerns more than 10 homes per construction project
8. New: the maximum requested government grant per home has been set at €12,500 including VAT

The municipalities have two weeks longer to register their project: until 13 October. Then the selection takes place and a ranking is made. Projects will score higher if they start quickly, have a high (legal) certainty that construction will start at the set time and have a low requested government contribution per home.

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