Great Britain: no Italian universities for the special visa

D.after the Brexit, it is not that easy to enter Great Britain. For this reason, London has just launched a special visa for the former students from the most prestigious universities in the world. But it’s not on the list no university in our country.

Britain’s decision

From 30 May students who have graduated (in the past five years) in what the UK regards as the most important universities in the world they will be able to apply for a special visa in order to stay in the country. The visa will be of two years (or threeif in possession of a PhD) without the need for an existing employment contract.

A group of students from La Sapienza University of Rome in the Museum of Classical Art. Credit: Sapienza Press Office

To make the list, Britain relied on three international academic rankings: the QS World University Rankingsthe Academic Ranking of World Universities and the Times Higher Education ranking.

There are only five European universities included

The conclusion, for Italian students, is not pleasant: no university in our country is among the 37 selected. In fact, on the European continent alone five universities have been entered: the two Swiss polytechnics (Lausanne and Zurich), the University of Munichin Germany, the University of Sciences and Letters of Paris and the Karolinska of Stockholm.

The joke that lays bare the evils of the university

The joke that lays bare the evils of the university

To enter Great Britain, therefore, Italian graduates must have some “traditional” requirements: they must already have a job offer and must guarantee a minimum salary (about 30 thousand euros per year).

The “High Potential Individuals”

Those entitled to apply for a special visa (the so-called “High Potential Individuals“), On the other hand, they will have to pay approx 900 euros for the request. To these must be added approx 750 euros per year (contribution to the English health service) and you will have to prove that you have it in your bank account at least 1500 euros.

The two (or three) years of stay in Great Britain may increase if you switch to a permanent visaguaranteed to those in possession of an employment relationship.

