Greasy fingerprints on that beautiful, dark kitchen? This is how you get it clean again Cleaning tips

Cleaning tipNice, a new kitchen with a matte, dark color. But how do you avoid greasy fingerprints on the kitchen cabinets? In this section, cleaning expert Marja Middeldorp helps to solve everyday problems. The house could use a major overhaul once in a while.

‘Dear Marja, two years ago we bought a matte black kitchen’, writes a reader. “Wonderfully beautiful, but those grease stains from fingers: to drive you crazy.” She’s tried everything, she emails. ‘We’re already so desperate that we’re tempted to throw an orbital sander at it. But before I do, do you have any tips for us?’

,,Let’s go and help”, says Marja. “It is the disaster of many beautiful and modern materials, which you buy at sight. Wow, you think in the store. But you don’t think about the consequences. At home the sun shines on it and all you see are fingerprints. But, I’m not panicking. It requires more maintenance than a shiny kitchen, but it can be solved.

How do you remove greasy fingerprints?

To start, fill the sink halfway with warm water and then add a few drops of dish soap, says Marja. “Don’t make it foamy. Then you make the problem even bigger. A little bit is enough.”

Then you clean the fingerprints with a damp cloth. “Use a soft cloth. A microfiber cloth, for example. Old terry socks are perfect for me. Then rub it with a soft and dry cloth.” Important: do not use kitchen paper. ,,That is too stiff and coarse and damages the cabinets”, says Marja.


Don’t scrub around like crazy, clean it strip by strip

Maria Middeldorp

“If you do this regularly after using the kitchen, the cabinets will stay beautiful. Then the grease cannot settle in the material of the kitchen cabinets.” Often this is sufficient, but if it doesn’t help, Marja advises to use old-fashioned soda. “Two tablespoons of soda granules on half a sink. Let them dissolve well in the water and then clean the kitchen cabinets with a damp cloth with this soapy water.

,,And don’t scrub around like crazy”, says Marja. “Clean it strip by line. If you still see a line after cleaning, rub it well with a dry cloth.

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Golden tip to prevent grease stains

To prevent new grease stains, once clean, Marja wants to champion car wax. “It is also a great tool at home. The water slides right off and a car also dries without streaks. That’s because of the thin wax, it slides off. A large refrigerator is like car paint. Rub in a little, rub again. Then it’s a panacea.”

Always try it on the side or bottom of the kitchen cabinets. ,,To be sure. It only needs to be a very little bit. Just dab a little bit,” says Marja. “It is actually a kind of coating. You can now also ask kitchen dealers for a coating for matte kitchens. That may make it more expensive, but you will have fewer problems with fingerprints.”

“If the grease stains are stubborn, you have often already tried so many things. Because of all the choice in cleaning products you sometimes can’t see the wood for the trees”, Marja knows. “But much more aggressive means cost a lot of money and are often of no use to you. Try it with that simple soapy water with a little degreaser as a washing-up liquid.

Do you also have a pressing cleaning issue that you would like to submit to Marja Middeldorp? Send an email to this adress ([email protected]) with your name.

On her YouTube channel ‘Cleaning with Marja’ cleaning videos can be found. See more cleaning tips below:
