Graves and monuments at Nijmegen war cemetery daubed | Inland

The war cemetery contains the graves of 1,642 soldiers who fell on Dutch soil during the Second World War. The cemetery on Burgemeester Daleslaan is British territory, because by far most of the graves are of British victims. But there are also Canadians, Australians and soldiers from other allied countries.

The entrance gates to the plot have been painted with swastikas and Ukrainian flags. Tombstones bear slogans such as Fuck Russia and Fuck Putin. Removing the texts will be difficult, because the tombstones are made of very porous material. This also became apparent when the graves were also daubed with swastikas in 1993. Three men were arrested for this and were sentenced to months in prison. Cleaning the cemetery then took months of work.

The war cemetery is often used for commemorations and very regularly visited by relatives.
