Grave of Peter Gillis’ parents destroyed: ‘Angry and sad’

Peter Gillis from Ommel shares a photo of his parents’ grave on social media on which a vandal has written the text ‘stop TV’. “Angry and sad that someone would think of destroying my mother’s grave,” he wrote under the photo.

“How this hurts me, this is a place of rest and you must always treat it with respect,” he continues. “Not only has chalk been painted on the grave, but a Delft blue vase with two hundred roses has also disappeared and plates have been destroyed. Very sad, how painful this hurts…”

The perpetrator’s motive is not clear. It was recently announced that despite all the troubles surrounding Gillis, a new series of ‘Mass is Cash Register’ will be on the air. Gillis was previously discredited because he allegedly abused and threatened his ex-girlfriend. This case is still pending in court. In addition, his holiday park Prinsenmeer was immediately closed by the municipality because he did not adhere to the rules.
