Grapes: properties, benefits and contraindications – iO Donna

THEThe sweetest and most gluttonous fruit of this season? Surely it is the grape, which immediately makes us think of late summer and early autumn tables. But if its sweetish flavor conquers all palates, it is also true that its consumption is often limited, thanks to the idea that grapes are a highly caloric fruit and sugary and therefore not recommended for those who want to keep the line under control. Is this really so or is it a false belief? In reality, grapes, in addition to being very greedy, can be a precious food for health. To be consumed in moderation but certainly not to be banned, with rare exceptions. Its benefits? With the help of the doctor Maria Bravo, biologist Humanitas San Pio X nutritionist, here is everything you need to know about the properties of grapes and how to make the most of them.

Grapes: concentrate of vitamins e phytonutrients

The grape, or the fruit of the commune Vitis viniferacan be considered a real concentrate of vitamins and mineralsamong which calcium, magnesium, potassium and manganese stand out above all.

However, its benefits are mostly due to the presence of phytonutrientsthat is of natural chemicals (such as vitamins) that have many health benefits. Among the phytonutrients contained in grapes there are polyphenolsamong which the resveratrol, belonging to the stilbenes family. Other phytonutrients are i flavanols, flavonols, carotenoids and phenolic acids.

A natural antioxidant

It is the polyphenols contained in the grapes that give it the fame as an antioxidant fruit par excellencevery useful for counteract free radicals and therefore for prevent damage caused by aging. Not surprisingly, grapes are also considered a beauty elixircapable of making the skin more radiant and hydrated, preventing the signs of skin aging.

This therefore explains why the so-called “Grape care” or ampelotherapy (from the Greek ampelosvine) had been practiced since ancient times, by the Arab populations, as well as by the Romans and in ancient Greece.

Resveratrol, a help for the heart?

In addition to the antioxidant virtues, among the best known properties of the grape there is also that of being a valuable food for the health of the cardiovascular system. The merit would seem to be of resveratrol that would protect the heart and make the blood more fluid. The conditional, however, is a must because, although several studies have shown the positive effects of this substance on the heart and circulation, in fact it is not yet clear exactly in what quantities resveratrol could guarantee benefits to the cardiovascular system.

Turmeric: all the benefits and contraindications

Grapes: also allied to the brain

Decidedly less known are i benefits that bunches of grapes would have on the brain and in particular on cognitive functions. It was just one Italian study to investigate the potential effects benefits of polyphenolic compounds of grapes on cognitive function and on the neuropsychological status in the elderly.

The randomized clinical study, conducted on 111 healthy elderly people, showed that the intake of 250 mg per day of a supplement based on grapes improved the levels of attention, memory and language measured with a cognitive test.

Regulates sleep and keeps stress at bay

Good news also for those who struggle to sleep well at night. In fact, the bunches of grapes would seem to make an important contribution to regulation of the sleep-wake cycle. The reason? Several studies have shown that melatonin is also present in grapes. A Italian research in particular he measured the presence of melatonin in grapesidentifying it not only in the pulp and skin but also, after ripening, inside the seeds.

Not only that: in addition to helping you sleep better, grapes can also be considered a valid food to be included on the list of foods that keep stress away. The berries are in fact rich in Vitamin B6considered fundamental for the nerve cell metabolism.

It is laxative and purifying

And the virtues of grapes do not end here. It is in fact a fruit that is good to include in the weekly menu of this season also for his laxative and purifying power.

Being composed of water (almost 80%) And fibersthe grape actually helps the regularity of the intestine, a property that adds to the purifying one. Grapes are in fact believed to be one of the best natural remedies for purify the liver.

Grapes: the prebiotic action

More and more often we also hear about foods that help the intestinal microbiota to stay healthy. Well, grapes could be one of these super foods. In fact, it has recently been shown that the fruit of the vine, in particular the polyphenols contained in it, also have an effect on the intestinal microbiota. In particular, according to one meta-analysis published on Food Research International, the polyphenols would be able to positively modulate the bacterial component increasing the Lactobacillus number and Bifidobacterium. An interesting discovery considering that lactobacilli are critical to health because they contribute to the digestion of food, to the absorption of nutrients but also a keep pathogenic microorganisms at bay which can trigger a variety of disorders, including urinary tract infections.

Grapes: is it true that it makes you fat?

The benefits of a bunch of grapes are therefore many (in the gallery, all the others) but the doubt that often remains is this: is it a fruit that makes you fat as you think?

Actually not as much as you think. With regard to the caloric intake, 100 grams of grapes provide about 64 calories. Also, despite being very sugary (contains about 15 g of simple sugars per 100 g of edible part)compared to tall fruits, grapes have a low / medium glycemic index (that is to say increases blood sugar levels more slowly than other fruit) and being rich in fiber it also guarantees a high satiating power: that is, it reduces the sense of hunger and represents a very good one snack also when on a diet. To further reduce the glycemic impact, it may be useful to take a portion in combination with a handful of dried fruit (for example almonds or walnuts).

Pay attention to the doses

But what is good to keep in mind is that the daily consumption of grapes should not exceed 100 gramsequal to a small bunch, to eat as a snack or to drink in the form of juice, healthy and energetic even for those who practice sports. A clever and tasty idea can also be to exploit the benefits of grapes in the kitchen adding berries to savory preparations.

… and raisins?

Therefore, if the grape is not as dangerous for the line as it is believed, it is good to pay attention to the choice: the 64 calories per 100 grams concern fresh grapes. In the dehydrated one, that is in the common raisinthe calories are much more, about 300 per 100 grams. LDehydrated grapes, in small quantities (about 30 g), can nevertheless represent an excellent snack for sports enthusiasts.

Better white or black grapes?

As for the varieties to choose, however, beyond personal tastes, to fill up on health would be much better focus on black grapes which, compared to the white one, contains more phytonutrients such as polyphenolsespecially in the peel which for this very reason should not be discarded.

When it is best to avoid it

In the face of so many benefits, however, grapes also have some contraindications. There are in fact cases in which consumption should be decidedly limited. An example? Being rich in potassium, those who take beta-blocker drugs, for heart disease, special attention should be paid. In addition, moderate consumption is recommended a those suffering from kidney failure and, given the moderate sugar content, to diabetics. In the latter case, the advice is to ask your doctor for an opinion and in any case to balance the intake of sugars during the day. Finally, beware too if you suffer from gastritis: like other fruits that contain water, grapes in fact dilutes gastric juices slowing down the digestive processes; The reason why it can give rise to gastroesophageal reflux.

