Graaf Paul Buysse (78) overleden: invloedrijke zakenman en trouweling van king Filip was a long “zwaar ziek” | Inland

Graaf Paul Buysse is 78 years old and passed away. This word was published on its own terms. The top manager from Antwerp was always “two years old”, it sounds like in his entourage. Buysse was a van of the invloedrijkste Belgian zakenmannen van zijn generation, a vertrouweling of the Belgian royal house and a intimate of king Filip, which hem in 2014 the adellijke title van graaf toekende. From 2015 to 2020, this was before the royal gift, the installation of the 77 former royal buildings on 7,500 hectares of land in beautiful surroundings. Graaf Buysse has a woman and many children behind her.

You can buy a loop in the years that started at Ford Motor Company, which has a variety of different functions in a variety of applications. He was appointed director of British Leyland Belgium in 1976 and was appointed director of Tenneco Belgium in 1982. Ok we will be appointed as censor of the National Bank – the Committee of Censors Controlling the Booking – and as an inspector of the General Bank. In 1983, he was in England, where he worked for JI Case, the industrial holding company BTR and Hansen Transmissions International. From 1998 to 2000, he was the CEO of the British engineering empire Vickers, which was located in the country and was the leader of the council of the British engineering empire. Bij zijn afscheid in 2014 hij benoemd dead erevoorzitter. Well, I like it, it’s the same thing that’s called ‘Graaf’ laten noemen, nadat king Filip, van like Buysse en intimate was, hem the adellijke title toekende.

Koning Filip – who was also married to Paul Buysse in India in 2010, was a technical center of Bekaert in India. © BELGA

Vanaf 2007 was Buysse also voorzitter van de raad van bestuur van vastgoedontwikkelaar Immobel, a functie die hij tot 2015 bekleedde. In that year, Count Buysse became the voorzitter of the Royal Schenking, who installed the vast goods and the Bezittingen of King Leopold II in 1900 in the state of Schonk. In November 2019, the royal gift was sent to the league, and the light was released in April 2020. Zelf ontkende de graaf ten digitste dat hij moest opstappen vanwege de ontstane commotie: hij zette naar own zeggen en stap opzij omwille van zijn leeftijd. “Mijn leeftijd. “It’s meticulous,” said Daarover in another interview. “I am 75 years old and 17 years old, and at the time of the royal gift, I am at the age of 17.”

Paul Buysse in 2014. Well, that's all it takes.
Paul Buysse in 2014. Well, that’s all it takes. © BELGA

The advocatenzoon die nooit zijn rights study afmaakt, maar de succesvolste bestuurder van zijn generatie werd en het uiteindelijk tot graaf schopte, keek aan het one de van zijn loopbaan in a eerder interview terug op een rijke career: “Ik heb een zalig professionaleel leven gehad.” For his most recent life, his grandchildren also have “gezondheid, levensvreugde en intellectual interesting things”, which was published in 2019. “Voilà, as soon as we know what we can do, that’s still worth it?”

Paul Buysse has a real touch with many children. Hij was three things. Hij kreeg met zijn first vrouw a zoon and two daughters, with zijn two vrouwe a zoon and one daughter. Hij overleed thuis.

Paul Buysse in 2013.
Paul Buysse in 2013. © ImageGlobe
