GP who raped patients must immediately stop work after new complaints | Interior

The Health and Youth Care Inspectorate obliges a general practitioner in Brunssum to ‘immediately stop’ practicing his profession after several reports about the man. This until the disciplinary tribunal has rendered a judgment. According to the Inspectorate, this is a ‘high-risk situation’; the doctor no longer meets the conditions for providing good and safe care.

The GP from Brunssum was convicted by the court last year for raping three patients. The appeal in the case is still ongoing and because of the suspensory effect, the man has been able to continue to do his job until now. In June it was announced that the GP must appear in court again in October on suspicion of sexual abuse because of a report that had been made against him.

A so-called order to immediately abstain from professional activities (LOOB) has now been imposed. The Inspectorate says it is aware that this is ‘a drastic measure, also for patients’, but that it is considered necessary. The Inspectorate reports that it will submit the matter to the Regional Disciplinary Court for Healthcare within eight weeks, which will eventually issue a judgment.

Other GPs in the area are concerned about what it means for the region if the man has to resign from his duties as a GP. General Practitioners Eastern South Limburg (HOZL) previously informed the daily newspaper The Limburger. The HOZL is afraid that the pressure on other GPs will then increase, and according to the newspaper, it is discussing this with Zorgverzekeraar CZ and GP group Brunssum.

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