Government, ministers: Chiara Colosimo on pole for the sport ministry

Lollobrigida’s announcement. Favored for the appointment to the ministry the deputy of the party of Giorgia Meloni, a great ski enthusiast

Acceleration on the sport ministry. First news: almost certainly there will be in the government that Giorgia Meloni is preparing to form. Second: it is very likely that the chosen name comes from the Brothers of Italy. Third: on pole is Chiara Colosimo, a sort of “little sister” of the premier in pectore. On the first information, the intervention of Francesco Lollobrigida, a leading exponent of the party who came out victorious on September 25, arrived: “For us sport is so fundamental that it deserves a competent department. I believe there will be a ministry of sport”, he said to “Politics in the ball” on the Rai Parliament. A statement that removes the possibility that the delegation will remain in the hands of the future premier. However, this hypothesis has not completely fallen away. As for the choice of 36-year-old Colosimo, yesterday the name of the new Roman deputy (but elected to the uninominal of Latina) emerged as the most likely in the list of ministers for sport and youth policies.

the dilemma

Apparently, however, not all the boxes would be in place for the appointment of Colosimo also for another variant, that of the next regional elections of Lazio. In which “Tombina”, nickname due to the passion for skiing, is given as a possible candidate of the center-right to the role currently occupied by Nicola Zingaretti. The next few hours will serve to shed some light on this dilemma. Other whispers of the last few hours recommend caution: “The games are still to be played, the names of the Brothers of Italy are the ones that could reserve some surprises”. Colosimo, however, has always claimed the “sporting” part of her biography and in an interview with “Il Giornale del Lazio” she had told her passions: not only slalom on the snow, since she was three years old, and a love story in federal tennis centers in the summer. Finally, the passion for boxing, practiced for years, “sometimes even hurting myself”.


The return to the Ministry of Sport takes place at a terribly delicate moment. The bills crisis is biting fiercely on the associative sports fabric forcing many closures. We need to manage the start of the reform of sports law and the abolition of the constraint on which critical voices have been raised on the difficult sustainability of the new rules, but on which there is a great and understandable expectation of sports workers so far. without protections. While the Football Association is waiting for an initial guarantee from the Government to continue on the path of the candidacy for the European Championships of 2032. For anyone who will take these matters in hand, a decidedly complicated “menu”.
