Government may consider pension file again on Saturday | Inland

The federal core cabinet will meet again next Saturday to discuss the pension file. That is what Minister of Pensions Karine Lalieux (PS) said in the House. According to other sources within the government, however, this is not yet fully established.

The heavyweights in the federal government have been trying for weeks to find an agreement on a pension reform. Four measures are on the table: the reintroduction of a pension bonus, the part-time pension, a reinforcement of pension rights for women and access to the minimum pension, which Vivaldi previously raised to 1,500 euros. The views on the latter issue in particular are still very different. According to sources, Lalieux is gradually becoming isolated in the file.

Lalieux was questioned in the House about the file by Wim Van der Donckt (N-VA), Sofie Merckx (PVDA), Ellen Samyn (Vlaams Belang) and François De Smet (DéFI). The core cabinet will make another attempt this weekend, she said. Whether the deadline of 21 July that the prime minister pushed forward can still be met, the minister left open. “I hope we can reach a balanced agreement soon,” he said.

‘Madame nun’

She also remained cryptic about the atmosphere at the table. “The government consists of seven parties with seven sensitivities and seven sometimes differing views (…) The discussions are difficult and sometimes tensions can arise.” At the same time, it is not surprising to Lalieux that the discussions take time, and according to her all parties are convinced that “our pension system must be fairer and that its financial sustainability must remain guaranteed”.

The minister wants to find a compromise, she said, but not at the expense of workers’ and workers’ rights. “If my name becomes ‘madame non’ because I defend those rights, I will wear that title with pride,” she concluded.

Also read:

Conner Rousseau on pension reform: “Everyone has to put water in the wine”

The cry for help from the top man of the Aging Committee: “Without a pension deal, social expenditure will amount to one third of everything that Belgium produces” (+)
