Government is launching the first corona regulations for autumn

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – The federal government launched the first practical regulations for the Corona course in autumn. The cabinet approved a draft from the Ministry of Health, as government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit announced on Friday. Among other things, this is intended to create the basis for further vaccinations, more precise data and increased protection of risk groups in care facilities.

Department head Karl Lauterbach (SPD) had already announced these aspects in a seven-point plan for the fall. The draft does not yet contain regulations on possible further everyday restrictions in the Infection Protection Act. They are to be taken into account in further parliamentary proceedings.

Specifically, according to the formulation aid for the coalition factions, the legal basis for corona vaccinations should be extended until April 30, 2023. Nationwide minimum standards for infection prevention and hygiene should be made possible for care facilities. The federal states should be able to regulate that hygiene officers are used in nursing homes, for example.

In order to identify bottlenecks in clinics earlier, according to the draft, in addition to intensive care units, free and occupied beds in normal wards should also be recorded and reported centrally in the future. Hospitals should therefore be obliged to report daily. The aim is also an up-to-date “full recording” of PCR tests – i.e. all results. So far, there is only a reporting requirement for positive tests./sam/DP/jha
