Government and ERC agree on the standardization of the crime of sedition with Europe

The pieces of the complex machinery that sustains the Spanish and Catalan legislatures they start to fit. And it is that PSOE and ERC have begun to tune in to the same wavelength with regard to the main agreement they must reach, that of the dialogue table, specifically the measures of “dejudicialization” of the political conflict, in socialist terminology, and “antirepressive”, in the republican. And the obvious example is the reform of the crime of sedition.

These are sensitive issues that are worked on far out of the limelight and in which what is said in public is as important as what is kept quiet. The respective budget approvalsin the Congress and Parliament they can depend on attunement becoming pact. “We see agreement options, but we must give room for negotiation,” said a Republican source.

It is an architecture of pyramid deals whose first premise is that both parties reject that the pyramid, the interrelation, exists. This weekend, both socialists and republicans pointed out that the dialogue table, the General State Budgets (PGE), those of the Generalitat and those of the Barcelona City Council there are three watertight compartments.

Telltale Chronology

But the mere chronology of events gives, at the very least, to doubt Beyond the repeated words, in public, weeks ago, of the Republicans, who directly linked the progress in the dialogue table with the PGE, it should be remembered that ERC did not present, on Friday, the amendment to the entire (which I already had written) to the Government accounts project. On the same Friday afternoon, the leader of the PSC, Salvador Ilha, He stated in EL PERIÓDICO that the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, “would fulfill his commitment to modify the crime of sedition & rdquor ;.

On Sunday, the leader of the PP, Alberto Nunez Feijoo already attacked Sánchez himself by using the always helpful argument of the supposed surrender of the socialist to the wishes of the independence movement.

The head of the Executive has said on several occasions that he is willing to undertake the reform to harmonize it with European standards, but to jump into the pool he wanted to be sure that there was water. These standards place the penalties around five years in prison on average, compared to the 15 that are applied, even today in Spain.

Throughout Monday, messages from the Government were repeated emphasizing that there is no “sufficient majority” for reform or homologation. Taking into account that the parliamentary procedure is passed with an absolute majority, it can be deduced that the Executive demands ERC showing your commitment to the change. Nothing different, in fact, from what the Minister of the Presidency said, Felix Bolanos to this newspaper in July, weeks before the third meeting of the dialogue table agreed, precisely, what is happening now.

And at noon on the same Monday, Esquerra, via his spokesman Martha Villalta, He put his particular landing strip to the Moncloa plans. In the aforementioned key, more for what he didn’t say than for what he did say. Thus, Esquerra did not launch, as on other occasions, an attack by land, sea and air, against the draft of the reform. Moreover, he endorsed the “homologation with Europe & rdquor; of the sedition, which is the story of the PSOE, always waiting for the PP to accuse him of giving in to the designs of the independence movement.

Swiss watch

In fact, it is the same term used by the PSOE spokeswomanPilar Joy, when he stressed that the Government wants to “homologable” the Spanish Penal Code to the most advanced European democracies in certain crimes. Something that, by the way, the European authorities have once put on the table. Swiss watch movement.

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We will be “very demanding”, Vilalta added to ensure that the “Penal Code respects Human Rights and the repression ends”. Countries like Germany, Switzerland and France carried out these reforms in crimes that have a political root in the 60s and 70s of the last century precisely to adapt to the democratic standards that should preside over the European values. We will not, however, go into a public auction”said the ERC spokeswoman, referring to a possible haggling with the years of the new crime of rebellion.

The Republican also asserted that “the repression does not begin and end with the crime of sedition,” referring to the fact that “it also has to do with other actions and interventions” by the State. The ‘president’ Pere Aragonès, in fact, seldom focuses on the crime of sedition and if he wants the Government to approve “a series of measures that have the effects of an amnesty“without being.
