GOVERNMENT AGREEMENT | PP and Vox agree in Murcia to abolish subsidies to unions and business organizations


09/05/2023 at 09:25


The programmatic pact between both parties involves copying the Castilla y León model at this point

The popular assume the parental pin

There is no trace of the concept of gender violence in the programmatic agreement

Late yesterday afternoon, the programmatic agreement of the future coalition government in Murcia formed by the People’s Party and vox was practically finished and there was only one stumbling block: how abolish subsidies to trade unions and business organizations. This is a demand from Vox that they have already executed in Castilla y León, where the unions have denounced that the regional government is violating the Law of Social Dialogue and Institutional Participation.

Vox wanted to eliminate the aid directly, but the PP has only agreed to withdraw them progressively.

Another aspect of the agreement that La Opinión de Murcia, from the Prensa Ibérica group, has had access to, includes the promotion of executive and legislative actions to protect the Mar Menor, an ambiguous point that allows the two formations to be satisfied, which are in favor of the protection of this ecosystem but differ on how.

Those of Abascal have positioned themselves against all the measures that could economically affect the Campo de Cartagena and defend some controversial actions such as the opening of the golas and investing in separative sanitation.

On the other hand, the programmatic agreement addresses economic issues. Specifically, PP and Vox undertake in writing to carry out actions during this legislature that allow considerably reduce the deficit and debt in the Region of Murcia. The coalition government could thus initiate a new stage of austerity.

It has also been agreed, with respect to teaching, to advance in the de-ideologization of public education. The Popular Party, in this way, assumes and owns the ‘parental pin’ in such a way that, according to sources close to the negotiation, there has not even been a discussion on this point.

Not a trace of ‘gender violence’

The programmatic agreement includes an express reference to the fight against violence against women only “in the family environment”, but does not call it sexist violence either gender violence.

This controversial point it does not mention “domestic violence” either., a concept that Vox made fashionable to encompass all the violence that occurs inside a home, whether it is against women, against children or against the elderly. In this way, both political forces avoid using problematic names for their ideological lines.

The non-recognition of gender violence is one of the most controversial points of the pacts between the Popular Party and Vox. They even go so far as to provoke uncomfortable situations for the popular when the Vox councilors refuse to appear behind the banners that condemn sexist murders.

It must be remembered that last Friday, after various conversations, meetings and contacts, the president of the PP in the Region of Murcia, Fernando López Miras, and the president of Vox in the Region of Murcia, José Ángel Antelo, closed late in the late the terms of the agreement that puts an end to the blockade and facilitates the investiture.

Signature of the agreement

It is precisely expected that at noon this Tuesday the spokesman for the Vox Parliamentary Group, Rubén Martínez Alpañez, will sign, together with the spokesman for the Popular Party, Joaquín Segado, the programmatic agreement “that guarantees governability” of the Region of Murcia in the Assembly Regional.
