Goudmakers back to work with art projects: “It’s great that everything comes together”

After last year’s success, the Goudmakers project in Haarlem will also be running at full speed again in 2023. The 150 participants, a lot more than last year, work on art under the guidance of ten different artistic leaders, rehearse for a dance performance or create a collage about their own lives.

Gold makers work on art projects – NH News

It is sunny and some participants of the workshop What is your golden thread sit outside on a bench at the playground in Haarlem-Noord to work on their life’s work: a collage with highs and lows.

There are low points, Hennie proves. “I’m making this collage with memories of my marriage that lasted fifty years. My husband passed away last year.” Her gaze lingers on a photo.

“He did not live to see his grandson’s birth”

Hennie about her deceased husband

“That’s a garland of my husband’s shirts that I made. My husband has never seen our youngest son become a father. With this garland, my son says, Dad is always there.”

one of the collages – Michael van der Putten/NH Media

The creator of it gold makers project is Eva Durlacher, who is also responsible for the art projects. “We set up the Goudmakers project because we noticed that many people were still isolated after the corona period. How can you really connect people then?”

They did not opt ​​for coffee afternoons, but to work in groups on creative processes, because that is what really connects, according to Eva.

Everything comes together

The special thing about the project is that we are working towards a day when everything comes together and all groups show what they have made.

“On July 2, it’s goldmakers’ day, then all groups show their work and the dance and song performances take place,” says Eva. “This is how you all work towards an exciting day.”
