Gouden Ring Show organizes bird competition in Roeselare again

Gouden Ring Show organizes bird competition in Roeselare again

It is the third largest bird show in Europe. Everything has to be right here: the right temperature, humidity and cold light to present the birds.

The hobby is under pressure, mainly due to the aging of the hobby breeders and a lack of young people who are taking over. “It takes a lot of time, but to breed top birds you have to work hard and take good care of the birds. And then the feeling of pairing the birds, also a specialty,” says grower Dominik Adams.

Guido Depuydt is European champion in the posture canaries with his Belgian hump canary. “And that hump canary will form a nice seven in its working position, with the head small, neck long, horizontal and the back and tail in a vertical line. Indeed, a total of 2200 have been registered and judged across 33 breeds,” it sounds.

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