‘Gordon will soon be back on Insta after social media break 36’

It’s that time again: Gordon has taken his Instagram page offline. According to Yvonne Coldeweijer, it is again about ‘social media break 36’. “It will be back soon.”

© William Rutten

It seems Gordon has come to his senses: he has finally taken his Instagram page offline. If you’re so under fire because your ex-fiancée revealed what you’re really like, it’s best to keep a low profile and not be in the crowd every day. socialcorner of RTL Boulevard want to end up. But how long does his Insta break last?

‘Happy, sad’

Yvonne Coldeweijer, who indicated last week that she was seriously mistaken about Gordon, relies on her juice channel the mockery. “Apparently we have now arrived at social media break 36! 😂”

It won’t be long, suspects Evert Santegoeds. He says in his podcast Strictly Private: “It doesn’t mean anything at all, because he does that three times a year and then it comes back. It kind of reflects Gordon’s state of mind: happy, sad, happy, sad.”

Cryptic claim

Gordon’s last post was about him being a man with a heart or something like that. “If he is happy we can see it and if he is sad we should not. Or at most he will post a cryptic claim that he is a man with a heart. Yes, I assume. But it’s a broken heart.”

Gordon will be through it, he says. “I think he’s really struggling with that breakup with Gavin and I can relate to that. We learned a few things about the way he processes that. I sure did, because he wasn’t too flattering about me.”

Still in Baku?

Gordon’s penultimate posts were about his hysterical trip to Baku. One moment he says he is flying to Amsterdam to be comforted by friends and family, the next moment he is already partying on a trip with DJ Don Diablo. Really no rope to tie.

RTL Boulevard star Lex Uiting on Saturday evening: “I don’t know what it means, dear people, but Don Diablo only boarded the plane for the way back, so Gordon was not there. How long he will stay there, Gordon, in Baku, is not yet known.”

‘He stays there’

Reporter Aran Bade: “I think he will stay there.”

Daphne Bunskoek: “Nice.”

Lex: “I hope so.”

Aran previously did not rule out Gordon going on a hunt for his next fiancé in Baku. “What will happen in Baku when he meets a new friend there?”

Well, not that difficult. Then it will be another three turbulent months on Instagram.
