Gordon thinks Angela de Jong gets a much too big stage

Gordon thinks that Angela de Jong gets a much too big stage from the Dutch media. “I don’t know why that woman is made so important,” the SBS 6 host sneered.


Angela de Jong is actually the forerunner of all those juice channels that are currently in the news so much. After all, she has been putting famous Dutch people in their place for years in a ruthless way and that is of course also urgently needed. The big problem is that many stars can’t take criticism at all and that’s why Angela is hated so much.

Gordon berates Angela

The club of famous Angela haters is led by Gordon, Linda de Mol and Wendy van Dijk. Linda called Angela ‘intensely sad’ and ‘false’ in a vulgar open letter last month, Wendy once shouted – without naming her – that she wanted to hit Angela ‘on the mouth’ and then there’s Gordon.

Gordon has over the years now unleashed the entire swear dictionary on Angela. Twice it came to an outright volcanic eruption at the ever sore grumpy bear, but they never met in person. Gordon canceled a TV confrontation at DWDD at the very last minute – Angela was already sitting at the table.

on the person

As Gordon in the new talk show this week buzz When asked what he thinks of Angela, he replies: “I’ve never met her. I don’t think we can fit through one door either. If I keep eating like this, eh, because she’s lost a lot of weight. What should I say about it?”

In principle, Angela is not bad, but Gordon denounces her style. “That woman does her job and she actually does it quite well, I think, even if that sounds strange from my mouth, because she has written quite a lot of villainous pieces. What I don’t like about her is that she plays it on the person.”

Too big stage

Gordon, for example, refers to the period when Angela was active as the ruthless Humberto killer. Then she played it huge on the person, he says. “I think that’s a bad thing, because she has done that a lot with Humberto Tan in the past, so that show has been stopped. She did that to Wendy van Dijk about the alleged coke use.”

He continues: “She does that with me and a few other people. I think she gets too much stage, I think. I don’t know why that woman is made so important.”

Bad case

A channel like RTL pays too much attention to what Angela thinks, says Gordon. “Humberto – you can talk all you want – he should never have left at that time. The transmitter should have just stayed behind him. That was just a very weak move by RTL.”

Does he read Angela’s columns? “Well no. I’ll get it sent to me, because it’s a premium article on the AD and I’m really not going to pay for that woman. No really. I do not do that.”
