Gordon: ‘Relapses will keep coming in my life’ | Stars

The 53-year-old Gordon was treated in a clinic in 2019 and then did not use alcohol and drugs for a year. He had a relapse during the corona pandemic. The singer expects that they will continue to come. “A year has 365 days and if it goes wrong thirty times a year – that’s how I calculate it – then you’ve still tried your best for 335 days. That is my foothold.”

In his new hometown of Dubai, it is easier for him to “get off the road as little as possible.” He finds that more difficult in the Netherlands. “You get it faster than you eat,” Gordon says of the cocaine delivery. “You have home delivery and ‘sniff delivery’ and ‘sniff delivery’ is faster.”

The singer is not only happy that he has moved. He also likes the anonymous life. “I just got my life back. I can walk somewhere in a mall where nobody cares about me. I really missed that.”
