“Gordon is no good, is borderline!”

René van der Gijp can only draw one conclusion after the interview with Gavin Rozario, Gordon’s ex-fiancee. The VI star thinks his SBS 6 colleague is a ‘borderliner’.


Gordon has seen public opinion about the breakup with his ex-fiancé Gavin Rozario tilt considerably. This Australian lad has given a rather shocking interview to the Privé, from which the SBS 6 star does not really come out well. Gordon’s violent mood swings in particular cause amazement.


Gordon is clearly not doing well, René van der Gijp adjusts at the table Inside today. “He’s not good. He’s no good. Gordon is no good. That’s not good. But there are more of those. My winged statement is: there are more walking around than if there are stuck, of course. That man is borderline. There is nothing wrong with that in itself.”

There are more of them, says René. “The annoying thing is always: if you have a deviation – I try to do that myself, because I also have quite a few – you should bother as few people as possible with it. That you keep it to yourself. It’s not a big deal for yourself. You can easily live with that. You have to live with it, but I think that is for many.”

Patient Gordon

Johan Derksen is done with his colleague. “Gordon is a patient.”

René: “Gordon has tantrums, mood swings and all that sort of thing.”

Table guest Wierd Duk: “And apparently fear of abandonment. That boy once forgot his phone in the night, he was unreachable and then he looks at his phone and then there are 300 messages or something on it.”

René: “Gordon himself has to deal with that. I find it difficult to bother someone else with that… I find that very difficult.”

Wilfred Genee: “It makes it so painful for Gordon that he immediately puts everything on Instagram. You can also think to yourself: just build up slowly.”

Frank Dane is shocked

Frank Dane is especially shocked that Gordon would be on cocaine again, he says in conversation with Evert Santegoeds on Radio 538. “What really shocked me was that he was talking about drug use again, Evert.”

The fact that Gordon shows extreme mood swings is not news at all, according to the radio DJ. RTL Boulevard reporter Aran Bade is also not completely in shock. He says in the show section: “We have also experienced Gordon’s previous relationships and there are also a number of snags.”

Next Boyfriend

Aran thinks Gordon should put his hand in his own bosom. “We even had a lawsuit with an ex. It’s incredibly tumultuous, there’s so much going on in those relationships that I almost think: can you separate this from everything else and is there a problem that Gordon needs to work on?”

He continues: “If we get the next boyfriend and we get this all over us again, I don’t know where this is going to end.”

Ten percent true

What does Ronald Molendijk think of it? He says in Show news: “I hope that if ten percent of this is true that Gordon is seeking help very quickly actually. I was allowed to work for Boulevard for this program and the name Gordon came up very often there. Then I think: if you put that in a row how it all goes…”

He concludes: “I really don’t know anyone who goes through so much shit and has so much commotion in their life. I wish everyone the best. Get help, I think.”
