“Gordon is lucky to sell real estate, because TV career is in the doldrums”

Gordon is lucky to have sold his apartment in Cape Town, as he could use some cash now that his TV career is in the doldrums. That is what his colleague Evert Santegoeds says.

© RTL, William Rutten

It seems that Gordon is actually keeping up with his emigration to Dubai. Last year he put his apartments in Amsterdam and Cape Town up for sale for 3.5 million euros and 700 thousand euros respectively. The penthouse in our capital is still for salenow for 3 million euros, but the one in South Africa has changed hands.

Need cash

Private editor-in-chief Evert Santegoeds discusses the news in the podcast Strictly Private. “Gordon has cash again and he will need it, because his TV career is a bit in the doldrums of course. No one escapes notice that the great successes are behind him and are not of this time.”

It may be that Gordon wanted some extra cash. According to Evert, the apartment he lives in Dubai is not owned. “He rents that.”

world tour

Colleague Jordi Versteegden also mocks Gordon’s so-called world trip, which only lasted a few weeks. His world tour is already over. I thought: it will go all over the world in the coming year.”

Evert: “Yes, if he goes on a world trip, it will be announced, and not if he just goes on holiday, but those regular holidays take longer than his entire world trip. Haha! In the end, he has been to three places, all in the southern hemisphere.”

Reunited with Toto

Visiting three countries is of course not a world trip, says Evert. “Nothing came of that whole world trip! But yes, that’s Gordon. Changeable as the day.”

He concludes: “It’s great that he can do it and just thinks: I’ll cancel everything and go home. There he is now, reunited with Toto.”
