Gordon gets wind from the front after a mean sneer at Dries Roelvink

Gordon gets the wind from the front after his mean sneer against Dries Roelvink. “Why is he so condescending about him? At least he’s not bothering anyone at all.”


Gordon’s musical comeback is accompanied by a lot of sneering at colleagues such as Dries Roelvink and Gerard Joling. When asked whether he will perform in the Concertgebouw, Goor said on Shownieuws: “No, I am certainly not going to the Concertgebouw. No, dear, Dries Roelvink stood there. No one ever wants to stand there again, do they?”

Disparaging of Dries

Private boss Evert Santegoeds finds it distasteful. “That was a great success with Dries Roelvink. The question is whether Gordon would get it right at this point. I really think so. The Concertgebouw seems very ambitious for him at the moment, so you shouldn’t be so dismissive of Dries Roelvink,” he says in the podcast Strictly Private.

There’s really no need for Dries bashing, says Evert. “We’ve all been doing that for thirty years, but now no one has to feel sorry for Dries who doesn’t bother anyone, just occasionally does something for his fans in the Concertgebouw…”

‘Have a nice trip to Flint!’

Gordon wouldn’t even be able to fill that Concertgebouw, Evert thinks. “By the way, Dries also stood there thirty years ago and later Gordon also said goodbye there. But now that won’t work anymore. Just go to the Flint in Amersfoort.”

He continues: “Let’s get him booked, say, to hit the party circuit again. I don’t see that happening. Gordon’s popularity is really at an all-time low. It doesn’t seem like all the media are showing up for him, but the criticism of his performance is not gentle either. He sings as out of tune as he talks.”

Bathing Gordon

Evert thinks Gordon should stop with all those ugly comments. “It’s that annoying thing… When you can no longer make a dent in a pack of butter and are making coffee for 4 euros a cup… I don’t think he can be envied that much.”
