Gordon does have a big aim with Yvonne Coldeweijer: ‘We DM each other’

Gordon hates many show media, but his absolute nemesis is Angela de Jong. On the other hand, he is a big target for juice queen Yvonne Coldeweijer.

© RTL, YouTube

Angela de Jong has sometimes been jokingly referred to as her showbiz mother by Yvonne Coldeweijer, but on one point they differ like night and day: their sympathy for Gordon. Where Angela immediately starts to spit at the sight of Gordon, Yvonne really likes him.

Gordon ❤️ Yvonne

Yvonne was recently applauded in the ratings hit Even Tot Hier and she shared that fragment on Instagram. “Masterly ️”, Gordon wrote. She then: “❤️❤️❤️”

What is this now? Is Yvonne already chatting with celebrities? That is exactly what she accuses of show sections such as RTL Boulevard and Shownieuws. Gordon is the exception, Yvonne clarifies in an interview with Beau Monde. “You never hear me say anything stupid about Gordon. Since I DM him occasionally, I have a soft spot for him.”


It is quite striking that Gordon clicks with Yvonne, as he accuses Angela of ‘wanting to destroy people knowingly’ and ‘day in day out sowing hatred and negativity in a society that is already under enormous pressure’. That is of course exactly the criticism that Yvonne also receives, but much more regularly.

Gordon also berates Angela for using her work for “personal resentment.” And Yvonne is not averse to that either. In fact, she even admits it frankly: “I have to admit that I am also mean sometimes, because I think someone is stupid. Like Sarah van Soelen and Anna Nooshin.”


Top photographer William Rutten, who is good friends with Gordon, thinks that the singer just shouldn’t worry so much about criticism. “Sometimes it might be very smart – no matter how difficult and unpleasant it is to read terrible things about yourself – to count to ten and maybe think: let it go. But that is of course difficult,” he says in Shownieuws.

William finds it logical that Angela has written a piece about Gordon’s performance in Farm Van Dorst. “Of course she is also a TV critic and that was the most watched program of the evening. Then you really can’t get around it. I don’t mean to say that you have to write a negative piece, but she can’t get around him, as it were.”

positive letter

Weekend boss Bart Ettekoven agrees: “No, absolutely, and if this is her vision for that broadcast, then she should also type it.”

Bart thinks Gordon is right when he says Angela is never positive about him. “She has never put a positive letter on paper, so just let it pass by once, I’d almost say. On the other hand, who are we to tell her what to write or not to write?”


A tweet:


Gordon also lashes out at Gossip Talk in a new post on Instagram, consistently calling him a “bipolar coke junkie”:
