Gordon crying in Amsterdam: ‘Flown to Dubai again’

The dramatic episode in Gordon’s love drama in which he traveled to Amsterdam to cry to friends and family is already over. After a trip to Baku, he is now back in Dubai.

© RTL, Emirates

It went quickly for Gordon: when he traveled to Amsterdam on Saturday April 22 to cry to friends and family because of his dramatic break in love with Gavin Rozario, the whole country was still on his side. Suddenly everyone sympathized with the dumped Gordon, because the Australian was thought to be a heartless gold digger.

Back in Dubai

Four days later, Evert Santegoeds caused public opinion about Gordon to suddenly turn 180 degrees. On that day he published a controversial interview with Gavin, who came up with a very credible story. Because of the intense details he told about Gordon, people are now suddenly quite done with the TV millionaire.

Coincidence or not: just two days after that interview, Gordon left for Baku with his good friend Don Diablo and Prince Bernhard. They returned last weekend without Gordon. Where had the sore star gone? On a scheduled flight to Dubai, as it turns out. According to the juice channel Juice Channel, he has been spotted there again.

Juice video

Juice Channel has a movie posted showing Gordon walking down the street in Dubai, ostensibly with his best friend Patrick. “Gordon was spotted again in Dubai today after a short stay in the Netherlands. A follower just saw him with another man. We are curious how long he will remain offline.”

Gordon took his Instagram page offline again the day before yesterday. According to Yvonne Coldeweijer it is about ‘social media break 36’. “But as we know by now, it won’t be for too long,” said Juice Channel.


Hopefully Gordon has now been able to give his grief a place, because according to him Dubai is a ‘heartless’ city. For a long time, the TV millionaire praised that desert city to the skies, but now it’s suddenly all worthless. He talks about that in the podcast go-getters: “It is an empty city. You only notice that when you live there.”

He continues in this interview, which was recorded just before his breakup: “It’s empty, empathetic, unfeeling, heartless. Those are actually the three keywords. It is empty. They care about one thing and that is money. They all want to get the better of you.”

Out of Dubai

Moreover, as a gay man you are not completely free in Dubai. “As a gay person, and there are many I can tell you, you can live a normal life here, provided you follow the rules. And those rules suck, because they also take away your freedom a bit.”

Gordon would like to leave Dubai, but: “It’s not final yet, because I still have my house here until 2024. Yes, I’m renting the house. Thank God, Jesus, yes.”
