Gordon caught at TV studio in Baarn, camera ignores Boulevard

Gordon is back on Dutch soil. A camera crew from RTL Boulevard has been waiting for him at the TV studio in Baarn. What did he have to say to them? Well, not much really.


It’s been exactly one month today since Gordon and Gavin Rozario’s breakup came out. The TV star decided to fly to the Netherlands to process his grief. But when Gavin opened a booklet in the weekly magazine Privé shortly after his return, public opinion shifted and ‘Goor’ fled to Baku with Prince Bernhard.

Gordon in the Netherlands

Now Gordon is back in the Netherlands. The TV millionaire flew here for the grand finale of his TV show Wat Een Invention, which according to Tina Nijkamp is anything but a hit.

RTL Boulevard star Lex Uiting states that Gordon landed on Tuesday. In the broadcast of yesterday: “He finally set foot on Dutch soil again for the recording of the final of the Wat Een Invention program and of course we were curious how he is doing and this is what he has to say about it.”

Caught in Baarn

Gordon was filmed by a camera crew from RTL Boulevard as he leaves the TV studio in Baarn. We see the entertainer putting a bag in the trunk of his electric Ford Mustang, while completely ignoring the reporter of the program. “Gordon, how good to see you,” she tries.

We only get to see the back of Gordon’s head. “Jesus,” someone says as he drives off.

Since Goor tries to get away in a hurry, he almost seems to graze another car. “Ooh”, it sounds.

Insta break

At the beginning of the month, Gordon decided to take his Instagram page offline and seems to be extending that into a general media hiatus. It seems like a very sensible decision, because it shows once again how much he has control over the reporting about him. Now that his Insta is offline, articles about him hardly appear anymore.

It will also give Gordon a lot of peace of mind that he no longer has to pretend that everything is going so well. “What is very striking, I think, is that enormous clean appearance that emerged on those Instagram messages,” said Luuk Ikink a while ago in RTL Boulevard. “I actually felt that he was very happy.”

Five celebrities

It is of course logical that RTL Boulevard was waiting at the TV studio, because there is still plenty to ask Gordon. For example, according to Gavin, he has written a farewell letter in which he also mentions the names of five celebrities.

Reporter Aran Bade previously indicated that he was quite shocked by this. “An email would also have been sent, which is in the possession of the Privé, in which five celebrities are also mentioned who would then blame Gordon. Incredibly detailed information that makes me think, how could Gavin come up with that? Because it is quite precarious.”

No exciting TV

For now, we will only see Gordon in his own TV show. And according to Rob Goossens that is no fun either. “It’s just not a very exciting program. Gordon himself has said that it is the real Saturday night entertainment. I don’t see it and neither does the viewer. They don’t find it that interesting.”

Hope Gordon gets better soon. Luuk: “It is really sad that he is so deep, of course.”
