‘Gooische bingo’ for children with autism a great success

In Restaurant Bellevue in Blaricum this afternoon there was no eating for once, but fanatically binging. The purpose of the bingo: to collect as much money as possible for Stichting De Droomboom, a treatment center for young children with an autism spectrum disorder or a developmental delay. Anita Witzier hosted the event.

Many children with an autism spectrum disorder or developmental delay do not receive the right help, which sometimes makes it more difficult for them to keep up with society. At Stichting de Droomboom they receive intensive personal guidance, which makes that a bit easier.

However, this form of guidance is not fully reimbursed. Part of it pays the youth law, the other part comes from donations and collection campaigns, such as this Gooische bingo.

It was the first time that bingo was organized for the foundation. And it was an immediate success: the room was full of fanatical bingo players, as you can see in the video. Participants could win meals, tickets to an Ajax match, a botox treatment and even a trip to Portugal.
