Google pays women less than men, the cause

S.tereotypes or not, it really seems that the question of gender gap unite the whole world. And so, too companies that appear at the forefront when it comes to equality at workthey show their weak side.

Wage inequality between boys and girls: the experiment with children

Google pays for discrimination

Among these there is Google which will pay 118 million dollars to resolve a class action lawsuit accusing the group of discriminating against female employees, in terms of pay and promotions.

The complaint, initiated by four employees in 2017, has become, over the years, a real one class action made up of 15,500 women.

google discrimination

Violations on equal pay

All participants accused Google of having placed them in lower level jobs than men, despite being equally qualified, resulting in lower pay.

All in violation ofEqual Pay Act of Californiafederal law on equal pay for men and women, signed by President Kennedy in 1963. The plaintiffs also accused the company of denying them promotions and career advancement.

Not just discrimination, but harassment

But there is more. Because among the complaints against Google there are even more serious ones. Kelly Ellis, software engineer in the Mountain View office, she stated that she was also harassed from a former contractor of the American company who and would have said he deserved it for “suing the company.”

Google denies all allegations

According to the text of the agreement, made public by lawyers, Google “denies all allegations contained in the complaint. Claiming to have always complied with all applicable laws, rules and regulations ».

The two parties, the company continues, have decided to negotiate an agreement in order to “avoid the costs of the procedure, while guaranteeing compensation for the applicants “. The document has yet to be approved by a judge.

The company “attention” by the court

From now on the court will put the tech giant’s human resources under the scrutiny and, an independent expert, will review all practices upon hiring by Google.

Furthermore, an always independent labor economist, will review the company’s pay equity studies. The next hearing is scheduled for June 21st.

