Google develops robots that can understand and obey orders from their owners

Act at 03:27


The devices developed by the North American firm can carry out simple tasks such as transporting food

American software and internet giant Google has created robots capable of understanding orders issued in human language and serve the orders of their owners, for example by bringing them food or cleaning material. The firm from Mountain View (California, USA) shared with EFE a video in which these nice robots are seen, a kind of white cylindrical towers with wheels and a black box on top that gives the appearance of eyes, leading to carry out minor tasks.

The innovative aspect of these robots is that they use artificial intelligence to “think” for themselves, that is, they have not been programmed to carry out a specific task, but rather are capable of listening to a human’s order, interpreting it and proceeding with a response based on the received message. Thus, for example, if the human says “I’m hungry, can you bring me food?”, the robot will automatically analyze that phrase, put it in context and make a decision that helps remedy the problem, such as bringing a piece of fruit or a sweet

This aspect greatly facilitates interaction with humans and differentiates them from other models that carry out more advanced tasks and some of which are already available on the market, but which respond only to orders for which they have been specifically programmed.
