Google and Cookies: The policy has changed

Google’s new cookie policy is more transparent.

The cookie notification is displayed on Google search and on Youtube. Adobe Stock / AOP / Google

Google has changed its cookie settings on its search engine and on Youtube in Europe, including Finland. It is now possible to easily block cookies through a new notification.

When you switch to Youtube or Google Search for the first time, or in incognito mode, Google will open a notification explaining how Google uses cookies and tracks you.

“Google uses cookies and data to provide and maintain services, such as tracking downtime and protecting against spam, fraud and abuse, and measuring audience activation and site statistics to understand how we use the services,” the announcement said.

This is what the message looks like on Google search. Google

Under the notification, you can accept the data collection as is or edit your selections by clicking “edit”.

The edit menu allows you to turn off search editing so that Google does not collect information from past searches and use it to generate the most relevant ones in the future.

In addition, it is possible to turn off Youtube history so that the Youtube homepage is not personalized. You may want to test this if you are tired of seeing videos on the same topics.

The third item is ad personalization. When you turn this off, your ads won’t show based on what you’ve searched for on Google, Youtube, or elsewhere on the web.

If you’ve already accepted the terms, it’s also easy to change your settings later in Chrome’s settings:

Press what appears in the upper right corner of the browser three points and select Settings. Then select Data protection and security from Cookies and other site information.

Google’s privacy settings can also be easily found directly at
