Goodbye to Anne Heche: her most outstanding films

Anne Heche She was a versatile and brilliant actress in the interpretation of movies and series. Aspects of her private and personal life, often controversial, overshadowed her professional growth in a competitive and demanding environment. She began her acting career at a very young age, being part of the cast of the series Another World, but the cinema was always his focus. She got the opportunity sharing a set with Demi Moore in “La Jurado” and, from there, he followed his professional path. Her recent death, caused by a car accident that left her in a critical condition for several days, moves and revalues ​​her work in different notable films.

Donnie Brasco (1997)

A classic of gangster films, based on real events, in which Anne Heche joined the cast led by Al Pacino Y Johnnie Deep. Directed by mike newellthe plot focuses on the infiltration of the FBI agent joe piston (Johnnie Deep) in the New York crime family Bonnano. For this intelligence task, he decides to trick the criminal “Lefty” Ruggiero (Al Pacino) to be integrated into the criminal organization. Anne Heche plays the wife of the policeman, nicknamed Donnie Brascoin a supporting role, dramatic and intense.

Anne Heche

wag the dog (1997)

Released in Argentina as “Lies that kill”, the film became a classic about politics and the mass media. Made by Robert DeNiro , Dustin Hoffmann and Anne Heche, the argument, of David Mamet, revolves around a presidential affair that must be covered with the creation of a fictitious war in Albania. Assistant to the President Winifred Ames, represented by Heche, summons an intelligence operations specialist and a producer of Hollywood.


Psychosis (1998)

The remake of the work of Alfred Hitchcockmade by the filmmaker Gus Van Sant, had a critical premiere that over time was more revalued. The first film starring Anne Heche together with Vince Vaughn it had a questionable reception, but also a great gross at the box office. Kickoff in the actress’s career as head of the cast.

Anne Hecher

six days, seven nights (1998)

Within action and romance, the film by Ivan Reitmann, rescues the consequences of a plane crash in which the two survivors trapped on an island can’t stand each other, but they must live together for their rescue. A film that positioned Heche as the counterpart of the Indiana Jones actor, in a film with a humorous tone.

Anne Heche

birth (2004)

Within a celebrity chorus that includes Nicoile Kidman , Lauren Bacall Y Ted Levineand led by J.Nathan Glazer; Anne Heche she intervenes with her character of Clara, who is going through a dramatic episode of death and reincarnation. The characters cover a world of overcoming in expectation of a firstborn as a way to restart their lives.

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