Goodbye state of emergency: but let’s go easy on the masks

S.i opens a new phase. After two years Italy says goodbye to the covid state of emergency. Today, April 1st, and this is no joke, the state of emergency has ended and we begin with the gradual relaxation of restrictive measures.

State of emergency farewell

It doesn’t mean the pandemic is over. There isn’t a button that magically makes the virus disappear. It is certain, however, that there is a lot of information now, there are vaccines, treatments and masks, which proved to be fundamental. This does not mean that we must abandon all the attentions used up to now. We can, however, begin to rethink a much more normal life.

But on the masks it is better to keep it a little longer

This is also why the health minister Roberto Speranzaright on masks theme does not want to run too far and, despite rumors of a quick farewell to safety devices even indoors, the minister pulls the handbrake, deeming it necessary to wear them for a while longer.

The farewell date that was decided was May 1st, also thanks to being much more outdoors and the warmer climate. Speranza warns, however, that “we have not already decided” because “they are choices that are made step by step”. So the update is postponed to mid-April, when the technicians will observe the epidemiological picture, the curve and the situation of the hospitals and that point will determine what to do.

goodbye state of emergency

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Fourth vaccine dose: certain for the elderly. And the others?

Another important theme, which has come back in vogue in recent days, is that of fourth dose for the elderly. Discussion not so much about whether to do it or not, but rather to whom and when. But even at this juncture the decision will be made, after listening to experts and regulatory agencies, next week. However, it can already be said that the way for the elderly is safeonly the details on times and age groups are missing.

State of emergency farewell, what happens to the green pass

Returning to today, therefore, the rules changeor better many of the rules in force fall. Taking a quick review, what happens then? Starting from the much reviled green passthe obligation for outdoor venues and for traveling on public transport, bus, tram and metro is no longer required.

It will no longer even be used to enter hotels, neither reinforced nor base. And access will be free in shops and offices, hairdressers, banks, post offices and public offices.

The basic one remains (the one that can also be obtained with the negative pad), again until April 30, to enter the bars and restaurants indoors. And for the Over 50s to go to work.

To travel on trains, airplanes, ships, ferries and long-distance buses. To go to the stadium and outdoor facilities, for those indoors, a reinforced green pass will be necessary, i.e. the negative buffer will not be enough.

With the strengthened also in cinema, theater and concert halls. And again the obligation of a super green pass for weddings, to go dancing in the disco where the capacity is full and the mask can be removed on the dance floor.

In all cases, however, the Ffp2 mask remains mandatory, at least until the end of the month.

Positivity at school: what happens now?

As for the school, up to 4 positive cases, the lessons will continue in person, while it will be distance learning only for the infected. The mask is still mandatory above 6 years. Of course, positive kids should always be reported to school and kept at home.

State of emergency goodbye: positives and contacts

In the end, the rules for positives and contacts. From today, only those who have contracted the virus will have to remain isolated at home. Positives must stay at home for 7 days if vaccinated, for 10 days if not vaccinated or if they took the last dose more than 120 days ago. To exit the isolation you need a negative buffer to be transmitted to the ASL.

Who has had close contact with a positive case he will have to apply, instead, the self-monitoring regimeor FFP2 mask for 10 days from the last contact, and, in case of symptoms, two swabs 5 days apart.

