Good role for king and deadline for regeringsvorming: Big time in the world for state honoring with opulent ideas | Inland

A federal district, which has been federalized in the King’s Buitenspel zetten in the regeringsonderhandelingen: this is an excellent idea of ​​green and ecology for a new state award. “Het verhaal van Belgium is still niet af. As ever really willing, he can veel.”

Groen-covoorzitters Nadia Naji and Jeremie Vaneeckhout and Ecolo-covoorzitters Jean-Marc Nollet and Rajae Maouane put vandaag de nieuwe gemeenschappijke vision on staatshervorming van Groen en Ecolo voor. “State hervorming wordt vaak herleid tot herfederaliseren or defederaliseren, maar dat was voor ons niet het trekpunt. The situation was worth it, so we decided to vote on the issue of the Belgen prayer?”

The great will om te begin bevoegdheden herfederalize, zoals het energy and climate concern. “In the country, Belgium has a strong position on international considerations, with a clear view of all levels of politics in the country. Bijgevolg zijn de Belgen has never been vertegenwoordigd in terms of international trade.” In the area of ​​green and ecology, the federal level is within reach and the final button can be opened.

We are in the same area for Belgium, with a strong federal government and a strong federal parliament

The ecological family also wants to strengthen Belgian democracy één federale kieskring in the voeren (for a deel of the leden van de Kamer), a voorstel was also the liberal voorstander van zijn. “Wij kiezen heel duidelijk voor één Belgium, with a strong federal government and a strong federal parliament”, Aldus Nollet.

En net zoals de socialisten en Christian Democrats Zijn de groenen voorstanders van een Belgium met four strong deelstaten: Vlaanderen, Wallonië, Brussels and East Belgium. This means that the community has been observed as a dead cult in other countries.

Camera tremor

Groen will never have to adapt the sleutel to the structures of the country, including the “democratic rules”. Excellent idea: de king geen rol meer laten spelen in de regeringsvorming. King Filip is now acting as one of the first players in the game, with the help of the green ones in front of the chamber, but the regulation in good conditions can suffer (and the formateur is in the verkiezingen area).

As the regering special trading process takes place, the camera can also be used Well, a lot of time de kans krijgen om te stemmen over new neighborhoods. Also the procedure to wijziging van de Grondwet, het petitierecht en de regels voor benoeming van de Rechtsers van het Grondwettelijk Hof willen ze empenmen.

“Het verhaal van België is still niet af”, concluderen de Groenen. “With a state hervorming the inzet op seednwerking maken we ons clear for the following 200 years of ons land, that zijn we van overtuigd. As ever really good works, he can do it,” Naji and Nollet concluded.
