Good Omens 3: All information about the start, plot and cast

This Amazon original is one of the most popular series in Germany. After the unbelievable end of the second season, it is still unclear whether and when there will be a sequel. TECHBOOK has compiled all the evidence for a third season.

“Everyday it’s a getting closer …” Anyone who knows the second season of “Good Omens” should immediately have a catchy tune. And while you’ve been puzzling for a large part of this season as to what exactly is getting closer, all you can say now is: hopefully the third season! Although the finale of the second season was brilliant and quite surprising, it is not an acceptable end for the vast majority of fans. TECHBOOK has therefore compiled all the information about the current status of a possible sequel.

Because one thing is giving “Good Omens” fans worldwide a headache: Amazon has not yet officially given the go-ahead for the sequel to its original. But fortunately there is a glimmer of hope, in the light of which some solid facts already shine.

This is what “Good Omens” is about

The first season of the mini-series turned out to be a huge streaming success. An angel and a demon have walked the earth since the beginning and have made themselves quite comfortable here. But with the arrival of the Antichrist, the infamous son of Satan, the adversary, the destroyer of kingdoms, angel of the abyss, prince of the world and lord of darkness – or in short: Adam – the end of this world will be heralded. A bitter loss for angel Aziraphale, who, as a sushi lover, bookseller and hedonist in need of harmony, finds it difficult to get excited about the war between heaven and hell. It’s a similar story for demon Anthony J. Crowley, who likes to display an anti-everything attitude, but also has something to lose with his strictly disciplined houseplants and his beloved car. To make a long story short: the heavenly-hellish duo decide to do everything in their power to prevent the impending Armageddon.

This plot alone can be described as relatively classic and is not in itself the reason why “Good Omens” is one of the most popular series in Germany. Loud Statista The four most popular series are all originals from major streaming providers and fantasy series, if you want to interpret the genre generously. The latest Star Wars spin-off “Ahsoka” from Disney+ is the undisputed number one, followed by Netflix’s brilliant live-action adaptation of the cult manga “One Piece”. In third place is the Amazon original “The Wheel of Time,” followed by “Good Omens.” Series hits like “The Witcher” or “Stranger Things” are only a few places below.

Even if this ranking only applies to Germany, the success and potential of “Good Omens” is reflected here. But what makes the series so unique is not the end of the world scenario, but the quirky humor of Neil Gaiman and the fantasy legend Terry Pratchett, who died in 2015 (and of course the outstanding acting performance of the cast). The first season of “Good Omens” is based on the novel of the same name by Gaiman and Pratchett. For this reason, after the end of the first season (2019), it was unclear for a long time whether there would be a sequel. In any case, the story of the novel was told in the six episodes. But Amazon apparently didn’t want to miss the opportunity to build on the surprise success.

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Fan service as a winning strategy

As in the first season, novelist Gaiman was involved in the production of the sequel. That and the performance of the two main actors Michael Sheen and David Tennant, for whom the roles of Aziraphale and Crowley were tailor-made, could guarantee a certain minimum quality. After Armageddon was successfully averted and heaven and hell were put in their place, the two unlikely friends could actually enjoy their lives to the fullest. At least until Aziraphale’s former bully boss shows up at the door. “Archangel fucking Gabriel” of all people is now looking for help because, firstly, he is naked and secondly, he has lost his memory.

After launching in July 2023, “Good Omens 2” achieved heavenly results on various review platforms. At IMDb, both seasons combined have 8.0 out of 10 stars. The tomatometer from Rotten Tomatoes “Good Omens 2” received 87 percent top reviews, and the audience score even climbed to 96 percent – ​​thus surpassing the first season. The reason for this exceptionally high popularity is probably the extensive fan service. For example, the machinations that connect Gabriel and his hellish counterpart Beelzebub are almost certainly inspired by fan headcanon. Whether in pages of fan fiction on Reddit or comics on Instagram, this couple already had their own fandom before Season 2.

And the second season also meets fans in terms of queer visibility. While the first season already contained a lot of queer understatement (just think of the “Discrete Gentlemen’s Club”), the sequel positions itself even more clearly: Due to an unexpected twist of events, Aziraphale and Crowley make it their mission to talk to the barista across the street to hook up the record dealer next door. And the old-married couple dynamic between the two protagonists is also discussed more explicitly, right up to – spoiler alert! – final kiss.

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A cliffhanger, of all things, gives hope

It wouldn’t be the first time that a series was canceled despite an unclear ending. But the cliffhanger with which the second season of “Good Omens” ends is so outrageous that many fans see a sequel as the only conceivable option. The fact that Amazon has not yet officially confirmed a third season is quite unusual for such an in-house production. The end of the second season is just as unusual: Crowley finally confesses his love to Aziraphale after 3,000 years of pining – romantic love, mind you.

But instead of staying with him on earth, Aziraphale decides to follow Metatron to heaven to take up the vacant position as supreme angel. He explains to a stunned Crowley his belief that he can actually do something good in heaven. In doing so, Aziraphale makes a similar mistake to the one he made in the first season when he placed all his trust in the heavenly administration instead of Crowley. But this time he goes one step further and offers Crowley to come with him and become an angel again – ideals versus individuality, the big picture instead of personal happiness. In a highly emotional closing credits, you see how the two, who have always stuck together, now go their separate ways, bitter and disturbed. This is more than just a bitter departure for the No. 1 comedy series on Amazon. The logical (or desperate) conclusion: that couldn’t have been it.

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Because this position as Amazon’s most successful comedy in combination with this – from a fan’s perspective – unreasonably heartbreaking ending makes a sequel highly likely. After all, series rarely really end when things are at their best.

Season 3 without the previous showrunner

Even if it is not yet clear when there will be a third season, one thing is clear: the previous co-showrunner and co-director Douglas Mackinnon will no longer be there this time. This information came about via a detour Instagram post by Mackinnon, in which he draws attention to the precarious conditions in film and series production. In the post, he is seen on a set that fans recognized as that of Good Omens. Mackinnon joined the discussion in the comments section with the remark: “I have nothing to do with this series anymore.” Neil Gaiman, also co-showrunner and executive producer, also confirmed Mackinnon’s exit: “Douglas has other projects facing.”

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Gaiman: “It’s planned and plotted”

The best hope for a third season of “Good Omens” rests on a post by Gaiman from the end of July 2023. The story of Aziraphale and Crowley – which is clearly not yet finished with the second season – is basically finished in the drawer. But the scriptwriters’ justified strike is causing delays: “It’s planned and worked out, and if there wasn’t a writers’ strike, I would be writing it now. Ways to make Good Omens Season 3 happen include A) watching Season 2, B) getting people who don’t know about Good Omens to watch S1, and C) encouraging the studios to negotiate with the WGA.”

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From the current, rather irregular production rhythm, no conclusions can be drawn as to when the release or at least a first trailer can be expected. Roughly speaking, 2024 or more likely 2025 could be envisaged. Apparently, Amazon’s partner company BBC, which co-produces “Good Omens”, is already in the process of revising the contracts with Sheen and Tennant.

But anyone who is already speculating on a fourth season is in for a disappointment. Because that’s what Neil Gaiman set out to do Tumblr It was clearly stated: “No, there will not be an S4.” Maybe Gaiman would like to devote more time to his other projects. Not only does he continue to work as an extremely successful comic author, but he is also involved in various film adaptations of his works – most notably “Sandman” on Netflix, but also “Anansi Boys” on Amazon. But perhaps after the third season the story of Aziraphale and Crowley will simply be told finally and comprehensively, including a happy ending.

That’s what the third season could be about

At this point, all considerations about the content of a third season are in a very speculative area. However, based on the end of season two, one can expect Aziraphale to take up his new position as Gabriel’s successor. Already in the second season it became clear that Archangel Michael was also interested in this position of power. Whether the reprimand of Metatron, God’s spokesman, is enough to keep Michael in check is more than questionable. Especially since Aziraphale has many unrecognized talents, but leadership skills, assertiveness and a flair for intrigue are certainly not among them. Crowley, on the other hand, leaves the second season in a state of bitterness and (self?) hatred that leaves him somewhat insane. Will he turn away or try to win Aziraphale back, or at least come to his aid should the need arise?

Hanging over all of this is the eternally simmering conflict between heaven and hell, which should actually have been decided with Armageddon in season one. It is also conceivable that the demon Shax could play a larger role as an antagonist. She still has a score to settle, especially with Crowley. At the same time, with Beelzebub’s retreat into private life, a powerful position has also become available in Hell. Finally, the question arises as to which agenda Metatron follows and how he will react if Aziraphale falls out of his intended role. On the other hand, the course of the second season has already proven to be somewhat unpredictable. So one can only hope that Amazon gives the green light to the third season of “Good Omens” soon.
